Whatcha "COOKIN" today????
I planned the meal out last night and bought the roast yesterday at the grocery store. I usually always know what I'm going to cook the day before. If it's something in the crock pot, I have to put in on early. We normally eat dinner early, but Holly doesn't get off work till 5:30 this afternoon, so it will be 6:30 probably before they get here. I still have to back the squash casserole and rolls. The roast is done now and the slaw, marinated. Pie is finished and tea is made.
Nopales are the paddle shaped leaves of a wild cactus. You buy them in the Mexican Grocery that is just down the street from my dad. It has been open about a month. You should have seen their faces when I went in there and bought cactus....they didn't know that Gringa women could prepare cactus. You have to cut the spines off, cut them up into 1/2 inch squares and then blanche them in boiling water. Then you mix them with tomatoes, onions, cilantro, lime juice, salt, pepper, garlic, and a little bit of jalapeno peppers. The best way to describe them is that they taste green... a lot like a green bean with lemon juice on it.