Calling ELLE!! Yoo Hoo!
Thank you so much for going with me Saturday. I love my little daddy to pieces & I know he feels the same way.
He called me this morning & told me he hopes to see you again!
I am sorry if I was a party pooper. Between slamming my finger in the car door
and not knowing I had a bad case of bronchitis, and getting no sleep, I probably held back a little.
I had a great time though & I really appreciate you going with me, not many people would do that & you are a wonderful friend.
There was a bit of drama after we left. I think Tammy & Dad both got an ear ful. I feel so bad for both of them.
I'll talk to you soon, Love you,
Lisa Gotro
RNY: 11/04/04 -123
I had a blast. I WANT to go again. Your little Daddy is a hoot. I can't wait to see him again either. You'll have to call and tell me about that earful they got.....can't wait to here, but I can guess what it was about. LOL
Oh, and about you HOLDIN BACK.....honey if you'd talked anymore my ears woulda fell off....
I love you too girl and you can TALK
all you want. That's what REAL friends are for. Lord knows I've talked the horns off a Billy Goat or two.