We're having chicken and dressing, salad and homemade rolls here in Natchez at Lisa's Dad's house. Woo hoo, it's smelling good too. Yummmmy!
So, what are ya'll having today?
I just had lunch. I made a salad with spinach and lettuce, added some ham and cheese and vinegarette dressing. Sure was good too. Ya'll enjoy yourselves and BEHAVE!! HEHEhE
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
I had 2 eggs and bacon for breakfast and a banana a minute ago. We are having (well the others) stuffed crab for supper and I am having crab legs. I love steaming and eating those things!!!! I know you all are having a ball!!!
Hey Wild thang!!! I crocked potted a pork roast, so we are having pork roast sandwiches and salad. With me painting off and on...I didn't want to "cook" anything.