a BIG one..
As most of you know, my daughter Kimberly is expecting her first child this month. She had an appointment yesterday and was told that her baby could be 9 pounds if she carries 2 more weeks. Based on her cycle, Emerson is due June 20 but based on measurements, she is due Sunday.. we are hoping more for sooner than later.
Kimberly was born on her due date and weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces. I was 9 pounds 9 ounces, my sister was 10 pounds 12 ounces.. all my grandkids (so far) were in the lower 6 pound range.
So how about it, anyone want to guess when Emerson will arrive and how much she will weigh?
Hmmm... I will go for it. 7lbs2oz and she will deliver on June 11th.
I had little babies compared to my poor Paternal Grandmother. Mine were 8lbs6oz and 9lbs4ozs. My granny gave birth to six children. The largest was almost 13lbs and the "smallest" was 9lbs. And she gave birth at HOME!!!! Unfortunately, she was a severe diabetic and didn't know it. Thank GOD for modern technology or I could have had HUGE babies.
I love the name Emerson. So cute!
WOW!! That's a big one!! Yesterday they told her that when contractions starts she should get in the pool and relax for an hour. Have you ever heard of this? The doctor Kelly (in Gemrnay) doesnt believe in using much medicine so she is considering a water birth. They have hot tubs in the birthing rooms.
My guess is that she will go back to the Dr and Emerson will be bigger and they will want to induce because he will have gotten to big. Over 9 lbs.
Brooks liked his environment the doctor told me. I went 42 weeks because my husband wanted him on his birthday. It was okay with me because i liked being pregnant. I got two extra weeks to sleep. Brooks didnt sleep thru the night until he was 7 years old.
Kimberly uses a midwife (there's a doctor in charge but her primary is a midwife) so she probably wont be induced unless she goes over but she's in no hurry to go into labor. She's had two episodes of premature labor so she wants to put off that pain as long as possible.
Yesterday she told her that it's as difficult to push out a 6 pounder as it is to push out a 10 pounder... I'm not so sure about that.
i'm no good at the guessing game, lol, but i just wanted to add that my ob/gyn insisted DD would be over 10 lbs at birth and had me in a total panic-she came 12 days before her due date and weighed 8 lbs, 7 oz, LOL, so yeah, those letters after their names don't make them all knowing ;) best of luck to your DD!
If she had stayed in there for another 12 days, she could have gained another pound so he wasnt too far off. Kimberly's not paniced over the news, she has suspected that she'll have a large baby. David was an average size baby but his sister and brother were above average. Personally, I'm hoping that the size just means that she's due before the 20 so she doesnt have much longer left to grow in there.