
update on the father of Adam's step children

Carmen G.
on 6/1/08 9:00 am - Lincoln, AL
He is going to be ok.  He is very messed up, but he is going to be ok.  He is having problems with his lungs, legs, and a few other things, but he will be ok.  Thank GOD and I honestly mean that...everyone is going to be ok.  It could have been much much worse.  God really did His thing in this.  The children's father was driving on the wrong side of the road when they hit a larger truck head on.  The larger truck was on fire.  Praise God that everyone got out and all are or will be ok.  You will never know how much your prayers meant.  I love you all so much and I honestly appreciate every prayer said.  I know God answered our prayers and that is why no one is any worse than they are. 
on 6/1/08 9:03 am - Hazel Green, AL
Thank you for continuing to take the time to update us.  Wow what a close call, i will continue to think of the families involved in this as they heal and recover!
Carmen G.
on 6/1/08 11:28 am - Lincoln, AL
Thank you so much, Heather!!!!
S. M.
on 6/1/08 9:49 am - In The Country, AL
Thank God he is going to be ok!  I just couldnt get this family out of my mind.  I too will continue the prayers for all involved.  And Thank You for keeping us updated! ~Susan
~ Susan 
Carmen G.
on 6/1/08 11:29 am - Lincoln, AL
Thank you so much Susan!!
on 6/1/08 10:00 am - Luverne, AL

Miss Carmen!! I want you to know I am praying for you  and your family!!  I read your post earlier, but didn't have time to reply!!  I will keep praying for them!! I love you!! Thanks for the update, keep us posted!

Carmen G.
on 6/1/08 11:30 am - Lincoln, AL
Thank you so much, Lucy.  I love you too!!!
R. c
on 6/1/08 10:13 am - nashville, TN
Thank God! I have been thinking of them all day. Glad to hear that everyone is going to be okay.
~* Rosie *~      2-16-10  

Carmen G.
on 6/1/08 11:28 am - Lincoln, AL
Thank you so much Rosie!!!
on 6/1/08 10:57 am - Alabama, AL
Thanks for the update Carmen. Glad to hear that all will recover and be OK.

Is there any theory as to why he was on the wrong side of the road? Were they travelling in an area that is unfamiliar to him? This is always so scary and head on
accidents have the potential to be such serious ones.

I will continue to remember everyone in prayer and wish them all a speedy and full recovery.


