MVI, Calcium & Iron Reminder
Louise & Stefanie brought up a great thread...and a great reminder!
PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T take your MVI and Calcium together. Your Calcium will not be utilized.
Same thing with NOT take your Calcium and Iron together. Your Calcium will not be utilized.
WHEN you take your MVI, please take it with a bite of food to MAXIMIZE absorption!!!! DO NOT TAKE YOUR MVI ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!!!
Also, remember to take your calcium in doses of 500-600mg or less. Your body can only absorb this much at a time.
Say a little prayer for me today. I leave at 1:50 p.m. to go to Ohio for a WLS conference. This is only the 3rd time I have flown and I am a little nervous. Thanks in advance.
Have a great day ALL !!!!
Just remember that you are safer in an airplane than you are driving or riding in a car. It just seems to be a little more scarey because you have less control in an airplane...but the chances of you even being hurt or slim at worse. Now, you might have bad weather, but planes don't normally fall from the sky even if hit by lightning or those sudden drops don't mean that you are falling...think of it like a ride at Six Flags...when you feel like you are falling there, it is fun. It is the same sensation and the same are actually in more danger at Six Flags of falling or being injured than in an airplane. Even going to summer camp is more dangerous than flying. The reason that plane crashes make the news is because they are unusual.