Update on MIL and DGSs
Good morning everyone, Just thought I would update you on my MIL and my precious grandsons. My MIL is at the hospital as I type this. My DH and SIL are with her. They are doing two stents in the 50 and 60% blocked arteries and also a blockage in her groin/hip area. She spend her whole 76th birthday in the doctor's office yesterday! They did ultrasounds and she definitely has blockages in both sides of her neck and one of her arms. The tech didn't say anything about her kidneys. The doctor suspected as of yesterday that she had blockages in her kidneys as well as other areas of her body. They should be talking with the doctor now, so I will update when I know more. Thanks for continued prayers. My precious grandsons are handling their pneumonia well. You can tell the baby doesn't feel real well, but he smiles and coos...Ethan hasn't stopped running around and doesn't act like he feels bad at all. He does cough and they are both on antibiotics and breathing treatments. The five year old who has asthma has been put on daily breathing treatments because of more frequent bouts. Thank you all so much for your prayers. They are appreciated more than I can express in words!! Love to you all!! - I am praying for all of you and your special requests!!