Memorial Day Plans??????
So what is everyone planning on doing this Memorial Day?
I am actually in the process of grilling burgers and Polish dogs, Chillies, Onions, Corn on the cob and some mushrooms for DH lunch. He had to work today so I am going to take him something yummy, then when he gets home it is grilled Steaks, Corn, BBQ Beans, Cole Slaw and more onions!!! Then we are off to go fishing!
Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day!
~ Susan
That's awefully sweet of you to do that for your hubby!
We are doing "house" stuff today...repairing things, cleaning, etc. With being on the road so much, I actually ENJOY being at home and doing things like this! I'm trying to get motivated right now for I was up last night sick as a dog...not sure why I was so sick???? I feel somewhat better now, but I am sure it will pass and I will begin to feel 100% better in a bit!
Happy Memorial Day back at ya!
Hey Jackie,
Yesterday at work I was so sick, I think it was just a 24 hour bug. Maybe thats what you have, hopefully you will feel 100% soon! Its never any fun to be ill, let alone on your off day and what few days at home that you have.
With my crazy hours at work DH and I see each other in the passing, so when I can I try to take him lunch. He has no idea that is going to be more than just some ole sandwich...hehehe!
Enjoy your day and I'll keep you in my prayers in hopes that you are all better soon! ~Susan
~ Susan