I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! I know this has been a diffucult situation! Believe me, I have been there and I have understood where you were coming from! Know that you can make it each day! At times, it seems very hard! But I always tell myself this ---------------------- I love my daughter and she did make the right choice for her, whether I feel this way or not! I have a beautiful grandson, his name is Aiden and regardless of the whole situation - HE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! So apparently, something good came of the whole situation! Just love the young man in your life like I love mine and let the water roll off of your back! It will all work out in the end! I promise! BEING AIDEN'S NANA IS WORTH MORE THAN SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF AND COMPARED TO HIM - IT IS ALL SMALL STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Know that I love you and I am thinking about you and the situation that you have been placed in.
Lisa and Fish
Lisa and Fish
Lisa and Fish