Thanks for the card. I just got home from work and opened it up and smiled. Why don't you give me some hints. Help a poor simple minded person out. Love, Miss Mary
Iris Shimmer on 5/24/08 12:17 pm
Miss Mary,
I just can't keep secrets from you!! I am glad the card brightened your day!!
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.
You know I don't think you are a simple minded person at all!!! Glad you liked the card...more great things are coming! I don't know why others are trying to take credit for something they didn't do!
Love ya Aunt Mary & so happy I am your Secret Pal this round.
Now Miss Mary, all these scoundrels are trying to take credit!! I, did you hear, I am your secret pal!! You know a little ladybug can't tell an untruth.....