Nem to messageing
Welcome to the Alabama board! I can't offer much on what to expect with the Lap Band because i had RNY but i would think the overall surgical experience would be somewhat similar if you are having a laparoscopic procedure.
I'm very sensitive to the anesthesia so i was extremely nauseous when i woke up and believe me retching and heaving with those new incisions is no fun. Just make sure and speak up and ask for that pain and nausea medicine if you need it. I think the worst for me was my mouth was SO dry and i wasnt allowed to have anything to drink, not even ice chips till the next day. Remember to bring some chap stick or Blistex you'll want to rub it all over your face you feel so dry.
Really just follow your surgeons orders and be prepared to walk, walk, walk as soon as you can. Best of luck and if you have any other questions just throw them out there..someone on the alabama board will jump in and offer some advice, they are all great!
WELCOME to the family. I am a very long term post op so I need to jog my memory. I had a form of banding called VBG and it DOES WORK When I came out of the anesthesia I did have an NG tube overnight but I did not have any nausea. I had no pain but I did have some stomach spasms that lasted a few seconds each. I had no complications to speak of other than an irritated band that I caused myself by eating spicy foods to soon. Other than that I did have a staple placed over a nerve and when the nerve began to regenerate it caused some pain. One injection cleared that right up. These are very minor things .
We have a few banders on the BAMA board. Look for Mom2Italian girls. I know she is a bandster! Also OH has a Lapband board you might like to visit but keep this as you home. We like you here
A little humor here..just expect bright lights,nurses telling you its all over,you did fine,come on wake up we goona get you up in just a few minutes.that kinda stuff..if they would just leave you alone a nd let you wake up on your own things would seem a whole lot better,but they dont..sorry i just couldnt help my self,,Im sending you good vibes that you have a quick and easy surgery and a speedy recovery..Juju