Okay.... SO..............
Well Missy
OH is headed back to Atlanta the first weekend ( I Think) in September so you and Mr Toilet Head Martin be ready. We can have a PRIVATE party on Friday night and get into all sorts of T R O U B L E
I have a SINGLE friend that can go with us. He is a Dr and knows his way around Atlanta. On second thought we might need to leave him where he is and make it a Girls Night Out. Miss Elle is hard enough to keep out of trouble so we don't need her and Dr Jim together. Would hate to call Mark Martin to bail us out of the pokey

Good Morning Miss Elle,
I wasn't here much yesterday but I did update my OH blog, just read yesterday's entries and you will see what is going on with me. Im slowly but surely finding my way back and with the help of good, decent people such as yourself and countless others. I have short term memory loss so Im really bad at names but I just love all of you here. You help me, more than you will ever know or understand. I WILL find ME again. Still in my prayers! ~Sandy
I would enjoy that alot!! Hopefully, we both will have some spare time in the next few weeks. I know right now is a busy time for us both but I feel confidant we are both gonna be okay. Its just gonna take time. Will give you a call or text in the next few weeks. Give that precious handsome baby a extra hug and kiss tonight. They grow way too fast! Sandy