Been MIA.....
Sorry I haven't been on in a few days. Life is crazy with the wedding less than one week away. By this time next Saturday it will all be over and done with and the happy couple will be on their way to Disney World.
Holly and I have been in the kitchen all afternoon cooking up a storm. We made Spaghetti Sauce, Stuffed Bell Peppers and Spanish Rice and Pork chops all from scratch. She got a crash course in cooking this afternoon. We have to get in and make a couple batches of cookies and some brownies for our high school graduates at church tomorrow. It is seniors day and we are making them cookies and/or brownies for each of the 9 of them to take home.
I've missed you all so much and I appreciate the phone calls I've gotten today letting me know how much I've been missed. You all are so special to me and I love each of you very much. Thank you so much for being so supportive of me and my family and for always being such good friends. I hope to be back and posting more regularly real soon.
Always know I am always just a phone call, email or PM away. Please keep in touch and continue to remember my family in your prayers this week especially.
Keep on posting and I'll catch up when I can. I have noticed the board has been moving rather slowly lately and I hope to see things picking up once again. The BAMA BOARD ROCKS, so round up everyone and get back to POSTING POSTING POSTING!!!
Love to you all
R. c
on 5/17/08 10:44 am - nashville, TN
on 5/17/08 10:44 am - nashville, TN
Ooohh...., Stuffed bell peppers! Yummy :)
~* Rosie *~ 2-16-10

These stuffed peppers ARE yummy. I make them the way my MIL does but I make MINE healthier than she does. I at least drain my meat AND rinse it off. LOL DH loves these peppers and I only make them a couple of times a year. Geez, bell peppers are so high right now. I need to be growing my own. Maybe I'll get me a plant or two and grow some out back of my house in the flower beds. LOL
Hey it was good talking with you this afternoon. Hated that Bobby came in from the golf course and cut us short. Sure wish I could be at the wedding next Saturday but it is just impossible at this time. If I didn't have such a mess with all the renovations going on I would make a trip to Mississippi and get my babies and stop by for the wedding. Those babies do not need to be here with this mess. They make enough by themselves. But that is okay they are mine. You just wait until Christian starts to walk and you will see what kind of mess them little fellows will make.