have you ever wanted to run and never be found in one day ?
Today is one of those days.. I really want to run away and not be found and just be able to rest without expectations. whew.
Things are not good at my brother's home as his wife refuses and I say refuses to go back to work teaching and they REALLY need money. She thinks that beacuse her college buddies don't have to work because their husbands are engineers that she should not either but boy does she complain because they do not have what she thinks they should have.
Nathan is in a quandry and takes his frustration out by yelling..just like satan would have..
So now I feel caught in the middle and I can't help them as they need to work this out themselves and SHE ran off to B'ham with a group of friends today so she would not have to have this conversation and..
Ummmm Donna....I would call her and tell her to bring my car home NOW. She has no right to disrespect you that way. You cannot allow people to run over you. Although we are Christians, we do not have to allow people to treat us badly. What she did is wrong. Maybe you should look into finding you another place to live. It sounds as though you are taken advantage of there. Love you!!
Donna I am sorry to hear of the problems with your brother and his family. I have to agree with Carmen, 1st get the car back then look for another place to live. You have a good heart and they are just running over you! Not asking to borrow your car, I thought that was called stealing.....it doesnt matter if you let her use it before now is now and I would be calling her! Good luck hun!
~ Susan 

Sweetie, call her and tell her to bring your car back to you or you will report it to the police as unauthorized use of a vehicle. If she refuses then call the police. When the vehicle is returned have the ignition locks changed and look for another place to live. They are taking advantage of you and you are allowing it because of your sweet nature. The music might not be pleasant for a few days until you can get out but they will do this as long as you let them.
Donna I also agree with part of what the rest said. I only disagree with one thing. Do not move. Ask them to move, why should you have the expense of moving when they are the ones that is disrespecting you. You should not have to move out of your own home. Let me know what days you are in Anniston as we are going to be doing lunch shortly with a bunch from the support group.
I would call her and tell her she better have my car back pronto or I'd call the police. If she thinks she is having it rough now, I'd show her what rough is. I would NOT tolerate that crap for one second. People take your kindness for a weakness and use you. DO NOT let people run over you like that. Stand up for yourself. As for the moving, I wouldn't move unless I just wanted to. I'd tell her and your brother to stay at their place and not allow them in my home until some changes were made. I know thats tough love but that's what I'd do. Others may have different opinions but thats my two cents worth. This would be the ONLY time she took my car, lol. Better you than me girl. Oh I'd fix her up, lol.
"Life is too short not to be happy."