Saturday Coffee and mushy talk
Hey there my dear Friends. I am so happy that everyone is together. I loved talking to you two last night. I heard love in those voices and they were sweet. I wish we could keep her here now. I think Paul and Carla are coming with us today. (and his g/f Carla) if that's ok. We are going to breakfast this morning and buy groceries. I am having me some caramel truffle this morning. I love you and I will see you in a few hours.
Morning Randall! You can be as mushy as you want to be! We all know how happy you and Lucy are and that makes me happy too! Wish we could come to dinner tonight but I have Managers Training tonight; plus I have to train the new girl to take my place as stock manager and cashier, so work work work it is for me this evening!
Ya'll have fun! ~Susan
~ Susan