Saturday Coffee and mushy talk
Good Saturday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine. It's going to be a wonderful day. My Lucy is in town and I am so excited to be able to spend 8 days with her. You should have seen our faces when we met at the airport. So! This is what LOVE feels like. TRUE LOVE! I'm all mushy. Oh well. Ya'll look over us. God is so good! Just to know that she is across town is a lot better than 1225 miles. I was proud to see that Woman! We are going to register at a couple of places today. Than it is to the Montgomery Dinner this evening. I hope to see many of you there! It's going to be a great time of fun and fellowship! 4:00 p.m. at the Olive Garden in Montgomery.
So, anyone up? WHat cha sippin' on? I have a treat this a.m. I'm sipping on a Skinny caramel Dolce latte from Starbucks!! It's one left over from last night that I was just too full to drink. I have a full post of Maxwell House for me to sip on after this one.
Ya'll have a wonderful and blessed Saturday and know you are loved! Both LUcy and I love ALL of you!!!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Oh.. I hope so... Still pondering it all and trying to make a plan.
At this point we dont know if Randy will have a job.. OK.. HE BETTER have a job..!! LOL He would want to drive as he doesnt fly. I am tempted to book a flight and say.. "you coming..?" but that would not be fair.. So unfortunately it will be a last minute decision for us. We will see..
Have a great day.. Tell TIM Happy Birthday for me..!!
Sending you ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUUGGSS)))))))))))))))))))))) to you & Lucy!!!!
Please let us know where you register. That has been a question in my mind for some time now. I think it is FUN ~ registering at different stores that is!
Have fun you 2
Also, I know your time is limited with the "Woman" in town, but I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on my PM to you regarding our news. Your input is important to Tim & me.

Good morning.I will see you and the gang today in Montgomery.I will finally get to meet our wonderfull and love struck Lucy.
I am comming to the Olive Garden for the 4:oo o'Clock dinner then headed to the 5:00 O'clock baseball game for the Charles Henderson High School play off. We have a good friend that plays.Paula and Robby will be with me.We are making a day of this.We are leaving Troy this morning about 10.I have to pick some stuff up @ Sam's too.I can not wait to see everyone today.
So please add 3 more to the list.
memaw Pat