Hemotologist PRAYER WARRIORS!!!
I'll be praying for you, brother...in the meantime, you start eating that liver and all the greens you can handle! (Also heard that beets are good for your anemia...if you can stomach those, lol) I had a problem with it myself summer before last, I opted for the iron infusion - the pills didn't set well with me either. What sort of multi vitamin do you take? Dr. Freeman now recomments prenatal vitamins (OTC-I get mine at Dollar General) for all his patients because they have extra iron.
I took prenatal vits from the beginning , 4 1/2 years ago and have never had a problem. I take 2 of the Walmart brand ONCE SOURCE prenatal in am .. At noon I take 2 Citracal with D and then at 8 at night or 5 hours after the noon ones I take 2 more Citracal D 's . I also take a B-12 sublingual 2500mcg in am ,... My levels have been right on for almost 5 years.
Praying for you Randal .....
Shirley, Thanks! I WILL be looking for these Vitamins! The Dr. said that all my other levels were good and to keep on with the calcium chews and the flintstone vits. If the One Source has done you that good, I will give it a try. Thanks for your PRAYERS! They mean a lot to me!
Thanks to everyone for your replies and prayers!
Ya'll all are special and so are your prayers!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

hello to my beautiful daughter sorry this is the only way i have of talking to you on the computer hunt and peck ..ugg.you should go out to hoppers do they kaerokie? hope so because you need to sing to get your energy back.sing some sara evans for me.when dad and i come out in july i am counting on a full concert you better be in better shape than last year kailee will expect big fireworks this year.did you hear e.r. is canceling the show after this year boo hoo im so sad heather you need to get well my mom is not doing so good i would want to come and get you to go with me to oklahoma because i cant be there by myself.dad and britt would have to work and take care of kailee.and with my family and all well you know.did you hear about britts friend in alabama he killed himself so sad well gotta go boomer sooner.i love you so very much....