Hemotologist PRAYER WARRIORS!!!
Dr. Sherer's office called. I went back last week for my one year check up. It seems I have been anemic for over a year now. My Endocrinologist also told me this last year. I didn't think anything about it. I was on iron pills for a while till they began making me sick. Then, I heard no more about it. Dr. Sherer is concerned as my hematicrt is 30 and should be 40 or above. It seems I have not been getting the absorption I should be. He is making a consult for me to see a Hemotologist to get to the bottom of this. Please say a prayer that I don't have to have any more blood transfusions. MY GOD IS MORE THAN ABLE TO FIX MY BLOOD BECAUSE HIS BLOOD FLOWS THROUGH ME!! AMEN!
Thanks in advance! I'll keep you all updated. I'm sitting here waiting for the Home Health nurse to come check the foot. It sure looks a LOT better! I go back to the foot Dr. tomorrow and expect to get a GREAT report. Thank you guys for letting me ramble and thanks for your prayers!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

I am believing that the anemia is healed in the Name of Jesus!!!! We just won't have none of this. You can see from all of the attacks, the enemy is hot on your trail so that means only one thing....you are doing what God wants and he is trying to stop you...but you know what...he will NOT succeed. I love ya!!!
I told God the same thing! I also told Him and the devil, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I have drawn a line in the sand and I am believing God that I AM HEALED and that God says ENOUGH too! Thank you my friend! HE WILL NOT SUCCEED!! AMEN! I love ya my prayer partner!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"