Monday Coffee Talk
Good Monday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine. A new day has dawned and it's going to be a great one!
Our challenge for today is to laugh. Laughter is like a medicine. If you are feeling low, feeling down or blue, just laugh. Laughter is contagious. Have you lost your laughter? I challenge you today to just laugh. You'll be surprised at how you will feel. When is the last time you laughed so hard that your belly hurt? When is the last time you laughed till tears streamed down your face? Why has it been that long? LAUGH!! I dare ya! Laughter won't roll away your problems, but it sure will help lighten your load!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Maxwell House regular blend and it hits the spot this morning.
Ya'll have a laughter filled Monday!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

on 5/11/08 9:38 pm - huntsville, AL
on 5/11/08 9:38 pm - huntsville, AL
hello randall hope u have a bless day and thanks for info i asked u some more question about the surgery i am fixing me some weight control oatmeal and banana and fixing to head to work i seen my baby when i got home from enterprise yesterday afternoon me and the boys took her out for mothers day dinner it was fun jimmy her son used some of that hot sauce from mexican resturant u was on fire we all laughed it was great well enough about me and vicki i miss her just wanted u to know i know i am in love i am the happiest man in the world well second u r number one
ur friend kevin boom boom
Good Mornin' Randall,
Thanks for this challenge!! It's dunkin donut coffee for me this morning..good stuff. Have a Wonderful BLESSED Day my dear friend.
Love Ya,
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