Just want to say....
Thank you all for reminding me that I do have people who care. I know I have been a "little" sensitive lately & I apologize for that!
I do realize there are things to be greatful for, but some days they are hard to spot. I am thankfull for my family, blood or not & I am most thankfull for my Mikey-Mike, I cannot imagine my life without that man! My wish for everone is that they have or find someone as wonderful as my Mike!
I am thankfull I have a wonderful son, who takes care of me when need be. He does not drink, do drugs or run the strrets. He graduates on the 24th, but is going to stay home with me, until Mike gets home for good. After that, my lil boy will be joining the Army himself, to be a Helicopter Pilot.
As silly as it is, I am incredibly thankfull for my Chesney, he keeps me from sinking too low & from staying on a pity-party!
I love ya'll, I truly do & I apologize for hiding most days. When I get really down, I withdraw, not just from ya'll, from family, friends, everone. That's just me.
I do want to say, please....ya'll keep posting! Remain true to yourselves & be who you are. Somedays you may never know if your post is the one to bring someone out of a slump.
Here shortly, I will be MIA for several weeks, I plan on hiding my computer while Mike is home! If I do have to have surgery, if I cannot post, I will have Braden or Mike post what is going on. ***Word of warning*** Braden doesn't have much to say & my super brain Mike cannot spell to save his life!! lol!
Much love,
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
— Marilyn Monroe
Bonnie, we DO love you and we are praying for ya! I sure do miss ya! I know you are glad that Mike will be home for a while. I'm praying for him too. WOW! I can't believe Braden is already graduating. Heck! I can't even believe Torey is graduating! Please tell him CONGRATULATIONS for me! Keep us posted when you can about your surgery and if you will have to have it. Can't blame ya for hiding your laptop while Mike is home.
God bless you my friend!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

(deactivated member)
on 5/11/08 11:02 pm
on 5/11/08 11:02 pm
I know that when thing**** me hard I am like you in that I pull away from people. I would rather be left alone and it is so hard for my family to understand that. They feel like I don't love them but that's not the case at all. I am just a very private person. I may expose the most obvious to folks but the deep down feelings are hard to come to surface to share. I'm glad that you explained this - it makes perfect sense to me. And of course, we all have things to be grateful for but when you are in the midst of a storm, its hard to dwell on the good. We just have to try not to dwell solely on the bad. That is when it helps to have friends who will pray for you and will stand by you.
I know you will enjoy your time with your dh and I can't imagine having to let him go again. You will especially be in my prayers at that time.
I really hope to get to know you better.
I know that when thing**** me hard I am like you in that I pull away from people. I would rather be left alone and it is so hard for my family to understand that. They feel like I don't love them but that's not the case at all. I am just a very private person. I may expose the most obvious to folks but the deep down feelings are hard to come to surface to share. I'm glad that you explained this - it makes perfect sense to me. And of course, we all have things to be grateful for but when you are in the midst of a storm, its hard to dwell on the good. We just have to try not to dwell solely on the bad. That is when it helps to have friends who will pray for you and will stand by you.
I know you will enjoy your time with your dh and I can't imagine having to let him go again. You will especially be in my prayers at that time.
I really hope to get to know you better.