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Topic: RE: Packing for Surgery
Loose pants! Also, I wasn't able to wear a bra for a couple of weeks, so you probably want some shirts that are not too thin. You will probably be bloated for a couple of weeks. I had surgery on 5/20/06, and am just getting rid of the stomach bloat. Don't forget the sun screen for San Diego. Also, bring a plastic pitcher and Crystal Light, so you can mix that up wherever you are staying afterwards. A refreshing change from water. Best of wishes.
Linda Q. - Anchorage
Topic: Packing for Surgery
I'm packing for surgery on June 16th in San Diego. Jody has been a huge help in letting me know what to pack....anyone have other suggestions to make it a little easier?

Topic: RE: Short haired dogs in Alaskan winter...Help!!
I lived in Alaska for fifteen years and part of that time I had an American Staffordshire Pit Bull. He was just fine. He had a coat for the winter and would just hurry up to do his business!
Have a great time in Alaska. It is beautiful.
Heather B
Topic: RE: Short haired dogs in Alaskan winter...Help!!
Hi Kerry! Can't wait till you get here. Fairbanks is a great place to live and play. Will you have a garage? If so, your pampered pooch can do his thing out there when it is -40 or -50....OR you can invest in a pup coat and some polar fleece/goretex booties (yes they sell them and they are cheap here). I have 3 siberian huskies who love the snow and cold. Bring your dog..he will love it here and he will be just fine.

Topic: RE: Short haired dogs in Alaskan winter...Help!!
I hope you don't mind me replying, since I don't live in, nor have I ever lived in Alaska....I can tell you that dogs are as adaptable to their environment as a human is. The biggest difference is that they cannot express themselves well. If you're cold, you go throw on a coat. If the dog is cold....well you need to pay close attention to your baby and make sure he's warm enough. Maybe even invest in some booties and a sweater or coat for him. I'm sure, since he's a pampered pup, you don't leave him out unattended for long periods of time - so that shouldn't be an issue.
Really, with some care and concern and paying a lot of attention to his signals, you and he should be just fine where ever you live.
We relocated our Syberian Husky from the relative coolness of WA state to the harsh heat of Las Vegas, Nevada. We watched him closely, made sure he was brushed often to remove the undercoat - always had plenty of water (important in very cold climates as well) and that he had plenty of shade, ventiliation and he got a lot of attention. He was fine.
I hope this is helpful.
(((HUGS))) and good luck,
Topic: RE: OH HOLY CRAP !!!!
We will see you there, we are moving to Ft Wainwright, AK, our report date is 10 July!!
Topic: Short haired dogs in Alaskan winter...Help!!
Hi, I know this has nothing to do with WLS, but I need all of your input if you live in Alaska. My husband and I and our beloved Bulldog are moving to Farbanks, AK in a month (as per Army orders) We are very concerned as to how the dog will adjust to the cold when winter rolls around, I have told DH that I am sure he is not the first short haired dog to move to Alaska but he is very worried about how the dog will adjust in terms of the cold and going out to do his "business".
This dog is my life and have been with him longer than DH and really don't want to have to give him away, in fact I refuse to give him away.
Please give me all the imput you can on how short haired dogs survive the winters and if it will just be plain cruel to take him with us, This may sound really stupid to some but I am really upset about the fact that it may be better to leave him in Texas, it literally breaks my heart! We have no children, he is the baby!
Topic: RE: Profect Protein
Hi Danni! We have a fabulous support group in Fairbanks that meets every other Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. beginning the second Tuesday of the month at the Fairbanks Regional Health Center on Barnette Street. When are u coming? How great!!! Come see us, you will love Alaska.
Give me a call...I'm in the book (Sherry Blizzard)

Topic: RE: Profect Protein
OK I have not idea on that but I want to know if there is a support gruop in fairbanks/ft wainwright area? we are heading up there in Oct
totally off topic sorry but I spotted your post doing a quick scan of the list at my inlaws and had to ask

Topic: RE: Got a Question???
Send your photo to [email protected] They should be in jpg, gif,tif or bmp format. It is essential to include your name and e-mail address as they appear on your profile. Please send your pics only once. If you don't get a confirmation email, they probably didn't get your photos. So, please check to make sure your spam filter isn't filtering out the auto-reply.
If you want it to appear with your message board posting, do note that in your email - otherwise it may only go on your profile and not show up in your postings. They're pretty fast, but sometimes things get backed up and it "could" take about 3 weeks for them to get to them, BUT you should get a comfirmation email that they got it - the same day you send it in.
If I can be of further assistance, please let me know.
OH Staff