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Topic: RE: Moving to Alaska-Questions?
Were still unsure if we will be moving, my husband just bid on a job there, we both work for ConocoPhillips. Hopefully we will know something in a couple of weeks. If this does happen I would expect us to be there by mid August.
So what is the lap rny? Do they do the bypass and install the lap band too? I weighed 206lbs. when I had mine installed last July and I'm now down to 170lbs. I did it for health reasons, my mother was severly diabetic and ended up loosing a leg and going on dialysis. That is where I was heading if I diden't do something.
Topic: 2 DAYS OUT!!
I am now 2 days out from my Lap RNY. Everything came out just tine. My tummy hurts with the incisions, but I am doing better as I am walking walking and walking. Finally found a broth that will work for me. Hope to feel much better by Friday in time to fly home.
Topic: RE: Summer Support
sorry I can't help you with the lap band. I just had lap rny 2 days ago and I live in Fairbanks. I didn't want you to go without a reply though. I have heard people talk about Dr. Todd in Anchorage...but I don't know him and I'm not sure I'd trust him either. Sorry I am not much help.

Topic: RE: Moving to Alaska-Questions?
Welcome to Alaska! You and your children will love it. There is so much beauty and fun things to do that you'll only be sorry you didn't do it sooner. I can't help you with the lapband. I just had lap rny 2 days ago and I live in Fairbanks. Wrestling is very big and he will have a great time. When will you be arriving in Anchorage?

Topic: RE: Short haired dogs in Alaskan winter...Help!!
Hi Kerry,
Don't worry about bringing your baby! I've lived all over AK with several breeds of dogs including a short haired, mini dachshund. He does just fine and when its really cold we put his sweater and booties on and he goes fast and comes right back in. Like someone else said, dogs are very resilient and adapt quickly. He will be much more upset to be left behind than to move with you to a new place!

Topic: Moving to Alaska-Questions?
I received a Lap Band on July 5th 2006, my family may be moving to the Anchorage area and was wondering who I would be able to get Lap Band fills from in the area. I want to make sure they do it under fluoroscopy while there doing the fill. I find that this is the safest way to make sure they are not doing damage to the port or creating a leak. A friend of mine went to someone that was not using the correct needle and she now has a leak. Needing to get a list of Dr's in the Anchorage area that do fills.
I'm also very excited about moving to Alaska, however I have two children that will probably not be too thrilled. They've never moved before, my daughter is 16 and my son is 14 so this will be quite a shock. We are looking into the following schools; Colony High School near Palmer; Eagle River High School and Chugiak High School. My son has been wrestling for 10 years and we want to make sure they have a good wrestling program and of course they have a good academic program. Any help in this area would be great. We will be working at the ConocoPhillps building in Anchorage so we don't want the drive to be too long, but want the best school for our kids. Thanks!
Topic: Summer Support
Greetings from Washington.
I am wondering if any of you can recommend a doctor who is familiar with the LAB BAND for "support". I spend my summers on the Kenai Peninsula and just got banded in April in Mexico. (Best decision of my life!) I just want to be sure I have a name and number in case I have a problem this summer (not that I plan on having one, but I don't want to wait until it is an emergency!)
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from someone!

Topic: RE: Got a Question???
Go to the main messageboard. Make sure you are signed in... On the left there is a place that says... User settings. click on that.. you can now add your own picture.
Good luck
Topic: RE: Short haired dogs in Alaskan winter...Help!!
I live in Anchorage, so it's not as cold as Fairbanks in the winter. Your dog will probably do his business pretty quickly when it's cold out. I notice ours does. I am all for the fleece coat and booties, though. They sell all that up here. The garage is a good idea, too. You could put visqeen (plastic rolls) down in a corner of the garage where you want him to do his business, then cover it with gravel and train him to go there. Or sawdust or newspaper. You'd have to change it every few week, I'd think. Bring the dog. He'll probably adjust quicker than you will!
Linda Q.