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on 3/14/07 1:38 pm - mesa, AZ
Topic: B12 levels
What are the normal b12 levels in the united states??? I moved to Auzzie last yr. My levels have gone way down they are now at 149 the chart here goes from 150 to 700. Thanks for any help. Yes I have started taking vitimin b12 shots. Kathy
jade J.
on 3/14/07 12:15 pm - NJ
Topic: RE: Getting Iron Infusions (I'm scared!) Please help
Hi, I just found out I have low iron, I dont have low hemoglobin, Im having surgery on the 26th hopefully, I wish you luck and I am thinking of you, Im sure you will have some answers, how much did you lose, Love, Jade
on 3/14/07 3:17 am
Topic: Food getting Stuck
Does anybody out there have problems with food getting stuck when they eat late at night?
LiSa K.
on 3/1/07 12:38 am - TX
Ok..The military showed us the web site, but all can use it.I'll give you the link and you can check to see if they have your town or somewhere close by you.Click on host site to see if you town is in the state you live in.What this is,is you can buy food from them for only $25.It says it's enough food for a family of 4 for 2 weeks.ANYONE can get this and heck $25 dollars for food to last that long,I'm in.They have a menu of what will be in the box and each month is different!Thought I would share!
on 2/22/07 7:28 pm - odessa, TX
Topic: revision
Hi i am new, i had a vgb in 1985, and am hoping to have a revision done in san antonio by dr. raja. i am interested in talking with anyone who has had a revision
on 2/20/07 2:18 am - Ypsilanti, MI
Topic: Getting Iron Infusions (I'm scared!) Please help
Hello all, I have been severly anemic for a long time. I had RouxenY in 2001 and this complicated the anemia. Now I am trying to schedule reconstructive surgery. My date has actually been cancelled because my hemoglbin levels are too low. I am scheduled for iron infusions in a week and I was wondering about the infusions. Do they hurt? How long before my hemoglobin goes up? I'm really afraid, but I have to go through with the infusions in order to get the reconstructive surgery. Any information you can offer about the infusion would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your help.
on 2/12/07 3:10 am - West Hills, CA
Topic: Dr Monica Ganz is coming to Alaska!
Dr. Ganz will be in Anchorage on July 21. Would anyone be interested in a half day conference? She is full of insite, information and motivation. Let us know and we'll set something up.
on 2/8/07 2:31 pm
Topic: United Healthcare excluding wls
My United Healthcare Options PPO lists: charges for, or related to, the treatment of obesity, including surgery for diet or weight control, with the exception of charges for, or related to, the treatment of morbid obesity, when approved by SHPS. We live in Alaska, my husband works for Pepsi under the Pepsi Bottling Group. I am getting the run around from UHC I called twice before and they said WLS would be covered if pre-approved by SHPS. When I called today to ask another question I was told this surgery is excluded and would not be covered. I am so confused! The wording for the exclusion seems to go either way. Any info would be appreciated.
mom of many
on 2/7/07 5:02 am - Moving to Alabama
Topic: Need Ya'lls Help w/a Project
Hey ya'll! I need your help. I'm going to start working on a project and would like for everyone to share their favorite recipes, thoughts, tips and ideas. They could be preop or postop, doesn't matter. What worked for you or didn't work for you. Recipes don't have to be food, could be snacks, desserts, protein drinks/shakes, etc. You get the idea. So if you would please, just PM with your info I would GREATLY appreciate your contribution. Thanks! HUGS! MOM
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