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on 7/17/07 6:38 pm - Anchorage, AK
Topic: RE: I've GOT a Surgery Date!!   it is a tutoral from the main lap bad forum.  that one above is for the tickers .... this one is for the whole tutoral for alot of stuff.....,messageboard/act ion,replies/board_id,5359/cat_id,4959/topic_id,3290646/page, 1/#25978707 Congrats on the date!! This alaska area is NOT active at all....  come join everyone in the main lap band forum!  if the links do not work ... it is the main forum for lap band and it is the 4th thread from the top. Jeanee



on 7/17/07 6:29 pm - Anchorage, AK
Topic: RE: Moving to Anchorage
Hi and congratulations on your move!   I came here in 1998 from Virgina Beach, VA.     DROVE .....  it was a nice trip.  Then we went from here to MS and decided to come back after a few months.     Count on about 5 days in Canada alone.  That is with long days!   But it is a pleasent drive.  Be sure to take a break in LAird Hot Springs in LAIRD (Canada) Nice to take a break and relax in the springs!     Anchorage is just like most cities.  We have malls and good arts and preformance centers.     Umm, there are good parts of town and bad.  One to stay clear of is Mountain View.  Sure rent is cheap but it is not the best place to live.      weird thing about this place is you can have a really great neighborhood then right across the street is crappy neighborhood.        And by the way .... Milk is not $6 a gallon here.  The main grocery store here is CARRS (Safeway)  and they most always have milk 2 gallons for $6.     Food is more expensive.  But I do not kow what you pay there.   Let's see.  People will try to scare you (they did me) but it is really not bad at all.  You get used to the daylight in the summers and the dark in the winter.  Nice thing is that the moon light reflects off the snow and it seems lighter in the winters.  Also, our winters are very dry so it does not seem as cold as it is.     Summers are gorgeous.  The colors are so much more vivid.  I was amazed at how bright and bold the colors of the flowers are here.  I guess from the constant sun shine.   I think your trip will be hardest on your daughter.  Just make sure there are plenty of stops to get a good leg stretch and she has things to entertain herself.   The ALCAN is great now.  They are usually always working on it but the roads are very good!        Good luck with the trip.   Oh yes, an AVERAGE for a 2 bedroom apt is about $900.  depending on where you are.   Jeanee



on 7/16/07 4:09 pm - AK
Topic: RE: Moving to Anchorage
Anchorage is a real family friendly place. And Prov has a good reputation with its nurses. I am a nurse too but work at another health care organization here.  There are several surgeons here who do  WLS and I can recommend Dr. Snyder's support group. They meet once a month.  I came to Alaska a while back and came though Canada to Prince Rupert and then took the Marine Highway north. Its a great way to see that part of the state and probably cheaper than the long drive up the Alcan..although people who have done the Alcan seem to love it. My mother in law comes north on it each spring and goes south on it in the fall. Its pretty user friendly. I would be happy to answer any Anchorage questions you have about living here and you can email me at [email protected]. Camai


on 7/16/07 1:02 am - Lawton, OK
Topic: RE: Moving to Anchorage

For starters I dont live in Alaska anymore but I did live up there for over 25 years.  I grew up in Anchorage and Wasilla. (about 60 miles from Anchorage)  Eagle River isnt too bad of a place to live, alot quieter...and the commute isnt that bad either...pretty much a straight shot into Anchorage to the hospital... As for crime...stay away from Mt View, Govt Hill, and most of Muldoon area....I am sure there are more areas now since I have left but I am sure those areas are still the worst... As for driving to Anchorage...I have driven the ALCAN 5 times....each time more and  more of it was paved.  I honestly suggest getting the MILEPOST book which you can usually get at a tells you exactly how to go and what is open in what towns and till how late because nothing sucks more than needing gast at 3 am and coming into a gas station and realizing that they dont open till 9 am or until the next day because they are closed on Sunday.  (or next season) The prices you quote for apartments are pretty much average...and usually utilities are included which is nice since it can get cold in the winter...but since you are from Colorado you should have no problem adjusting to the weather....As for darkness during the winter...I honestly feel it is like anywhere else during the winter...the days are shorter...the more north you are the shorter the days are... Anchorage has lots of malls and shopping...also have Walmart...downtown has great shopping area can get just about anything there and the grocery stores are open 24 hours there also...have major grocery stores....I moved to Lawton, OK and we dont have a big grocery store unless you consider Super Walmart a grocery store.... I am sure that gas and milk are more expensive there but they have gone up everywhere, but the pay up in Alaska is better than alot of places... If you know how to ski, they have alot of places that are great to ski....some very close...probably not as high as in colorado but definitely just as good... Again, I am not currently living in Alaska anymore but I will always consider it my home and hope that one day we will move back as soon as my husband retires from the Army. Hope some of this helps...


on 7/14/07 5:40 pm - Anchorage, AK
Topic: RE: Moving to Anchorage

Well the biggest worry is that I am going to rent an apartment in abad neighborhood.  I have a job lined up at the Providence Alaska Medical center and have noticed that lots of apartments claim to be near it.  I was wondering what kind of area it is.  Also what is the cost of living like up there, really.  I have heard that you can pay up to $6 for a gallon of milk yet the housing seems very affordable, atleast for rentals.  Someone else recommended Eagle River but I don't know how the commute would be in winter.  Have you taken the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry System there?  We were thinking of driving there and taking the ferry the rest of the way because I am afraid driving all of the way there will not only be stressful but expensive.  I ran into a site that said gas can go for more than $5 a gallon in the more rual areas.  Have you ever driven to the lower 48?  What is life like in Anchorage?  How much darkness is there in the winter?  How  bad does it bother you?  What would you say was a good area to look for a rental in?   Where would you avoid?  My husband wants to sell most of our furniture and buy more when we get there, do you think home furnishings are really costly there?  I am finding lots of apartments that are furnished and include most or all utilites for $1200 a month.  Does that sound average to you?  What (if anything) do you feel that you don't have in Alaska (like certain stores, products, opportunities) that we have in the lower 48?  I know that is a lot of questions.  I am just very nervous but excited at the same time.  My husband and I have talked about this for over a year but now that it is actually happening, i am getting worried because I am worried were aren't planning enough, don't know enough about where we are going etc. My husband is looking for employment in Gis, geography, mapping.  Do you think it will be hard for him to find work? I work in healthcare and had several offers so I am not worried but I would hate for us to move there and find that he can't find work.  We are both thinking of taking courses at Anchorage university.  are there any community colleges there?

Okay, now that I have asked a million questions....Thank you for any information and your time.  I appreciate it more than you know.

on 7/14/07 4:36 pm - AK
Topic: RE: Moving to Anchorage

And exactly how did you guys choose Alaska? I live in Anchorage and love it. We're 10 minutes from Alaska...the real Alaska. I would be happy to go into more detail with you about the benefits of living here and talk about jobs and things/areas to avoid. There is crime here, no doubt, but we are kind of isolated from it so far. I know that there are gangs and they keep busy shooting each other up.

There are alot of things to do, places to go and people to meet. There is a choice of gyms and good shopping. Let me know what more specific questions you have. Camai


on 7/13/07 8:33 pm - Anchorage, AK
Topic: Moving to Anchorage
My husband and I have decided to move to Anchorage from Boulder, Colorado!  He wants to drive!  We have a year old daughter.   Has anyone driven from the lower 48 to Anchorage?   What is Anchorage like?   Are there any areas in Anchorage that we should avoid (bad crime, etc) looking for housing in?  Are there any post wls support groups there?   Help!  Excited but scared!
on 7/12/07 10:07 am - AK
Topic: RE: Rural living after surgery
Chesse sticks. I ate alot of cheese sticks. I couldn't do the mozzerela type that my kids like (string cheese) but someone on here turned me on to the Cheddar type of cheese sticks. I am still snacking on those. And over at Costco, they have some protein bars that, although they are pretty sweet, I can eat and make sure I get my protein. I have eatten some moose meat that, if I cook the heck out of it, it goes down and the protein content in that is good. I did do Yogurt in the beginning but don't find myself eating too much of that lately. An hour north... are you up at St. M's? You should be able to shop well enough in those two stores there. Camai


Ronda E.
on 7/12/07 7:00 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: OH Magazine Issue 3 2007
OH Magazine Issue 3 2007 is on its way to your mailboxes! The latest issue of OH Magazine features OH spokesperson Jackie Guerra, who updates our readers on her story since we last heard from her in Issue 2 2006. Her husband, Bill Torres, also is featured in an article titled Together where he talks about his relationship with Jackie. Readers will also be treated to the story of OH member Ramon Lopez, who was recently seen on the hit tv show Big Medicine. Other articles include Heart Health by cardiologist Shalizeh Shokooh; Completing Your Journey by Dr. Edward Domanskis; and Safe Exercise for Arthritic Joints by Mark Allen, MPT. We also provide delicious recipes; fitness q&a; and support group news. If you are already a subscriber, your issue is on its way. If you want to subscribe to this bi-monthly publication for the low cost of $25 for six issues, click on the purple word "magazine" on the top of the screen and follow the directions to subscribe.
Ronda Einbinder
OH Magazine
Public Relations/Staff Writer

on 7/12/07 5:28 am - Juneau, AK
Topic: RE: New show on The Learning Channel
I watch Big Medicine every week and am hooked on it.  I especially like when they actually SHOW the procedure.  It has made me more aware of what I'll be going through on Aug 7th.  ALSO, I've seen one procedure where the liver was just HUGE.  This is helping me right now to STICK to a low fat diet.  I know the liquid diet will be difficult to do, BUT after watching Big Medicine, NOW I know that it'll help the surgeon while he's trying to do his job.  I want my liver to shrink as much as possible. 
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