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Debbie B.
on 8/3/07 8:58 am - NM
Topic: Doctors In Alaska????
Hello In Alaska, I am new to Alaska and am looking for a doctor to do my yearly checkups.  Can anyone tell me who their doctor is?  I live in Fairbanks, but anywhere is fine for right now.  Thank you so much. Deej

Philippians 4:4-7,   Always be full of joy in the Lord.  I say it again---rejoice!  Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do.  Remember, the Lord is coming soon.  Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.  His peace will guard your heart and mind as you live in Christ Jesus.

(deactivated member)
on 8/2/07 1:10 pm, edited 8/2/07 1:11 pm - Eagle River, AK
Topic: RE: Moving to Anchorage
Hi, I have lived in Alaska since 1997 and moved to the Anchorage area in 1999. Anchorage is a beautiful city, but it has its problems like any large city does. It is best to avoid any residential area thats name ends in "view", like "Mountainview." I live in Eagle River and work in Midtown Anchorage. It is about a 30 minute commute in the summer and about a 45 minute commute in the winter. I like Eagle River because it's quieter and a little more spread out. But the real estate prices are crazy up there. Most people who bough their home more than five years ago could not afford to buy it at its current value. But the equity can't be beat! Dr. Todd is my surgeon and he has support group meetings at lunch time and in the evening throughout the week. I don't go much anymore, but the ones I have attended were pretty good. Here's a link to his website: I came up to Alaska when I was in the military so we did not drive as they paid to ship our SUV up here. But I have heard the trip up the Alcan is a wonderful experience, if you plan well for it. Gas and lodging can be really expensive in Canada. Good luck and congratulations on your decision to move to one if not the most beautiful states in America! - Bob
on 7/31/07 2:02 pm - AZ
Topic: RE: Need to lose weight, but... help!
What has your doctor said about taking that. I havent heard great things about it myself.

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 7/28/07 8:32 pm - Anchorage, AK
Topic: How to be a good weight loss surgery patient
I just posted 75 tips on "How To Be A Good Weight-Loss Surgery Patient" From  the book "I''m Still Hungry" By Carnie Wilson, on my blog at;
on 7/26/07 7:48 am - Kenai, AK
Topic: Need to lose weight, but... help!
 I would prefer to go the route of taking Phetermine before I resort to surgery. I would like to lose about 130 lbs so I know I would qualify as a candidate being that overweight. However, I'm worried about cost and time. I know it can take up to a year before you get the surgery from the time you talk to your doctor. I was wondering if anyone had tried taking Phentermine and if so, where can I get a Rx for it in Anchorage. I haven't ruled out surgery. I do think that would still be probably the best option for me at this point.
Julie G.
on 7/25/07 6:16 pm - Glennallen, AK
VSG on 08/02/07 with
Topic: testing ticker
just testing ticker

 The only thing that stands between you and what you want from life is simply the will to pursue it and the faith to believe it is possible.


on 7/21/07 5:08 pm - Anchorage, AK
Topic: The Real Skinny On Weight Loss Surgery
I just posted some excerpts from the book "The Real Skinny On Weight Loss Surgery" by Julie M. Janeway, Karen J. Sparks, and Randal S. Baker, M.D., F.A.C.S. my blog is at;  I also have posted several recipes from books for weight loss surgery patients on my blog in the past few months.  Just type in "cook" or "recipe" in the search blog box and they should come up.
on 7/18/07 5:32 am - Juneau, AK
WOW, good for you!!  I can't WAIT for my surgery on Aug. 7th!! 
on 7/18/07 5:30 am - Juneau, AK
Topic: RE: 3+ Years Post Op - gain
I'm wondering if going back to the protein drinks again, if that'll help take off those few extra pounds?  You guys are doing and looking SO great!!  I can't wait to be rid of all these meds I'm on; however I know the maintaing will be HARD...dang it!!  But atleast there's someplace we can go to talk to people that understand what's going on.  Take care!! 
on 7/18/07 3:47 am - Juneau, AK
Topic: RE: I've GOT a Surgery Date!!

Hi Jeanee, Thanks for the info!!  I go to the main message board all the time.  I agree more activity.  I have a great advantage here in Juneau though........we don't have alot of fast food places here...LOL.  We have a McDonalds and that's IT!!  I think I'd have a hard time if I had to drive by alot of places like that.  When I lived in Wisconsin I passed by 4 fast food restaurants on the way to work and home everyday.  Very tempting.  I hope you're having a GREAT day.  It's so nice and cool here in Juneau, I love it!! 

Take care


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