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I am working on a holiday project for Marine Recruits who are sick or injured and having to spend time in Medical Rehab Platoon. Many of the recruits don't know if they will get sent home or they will get to see their dream come true. Below is a letter if you can read it and help out that would be great. Thanks, Jenn
I am with a group call Marine Moms Online (MMO). We are an Internet support group for thousands of families of the Marine Corps. Each holiday season we turn our attention to sick and injured recruits at the Training Depots in both
Jenn ~ Obesity Help Support Group Coach~
**In Memory of My Son PFC Jeffrey A. Avery KIA Iraq 4/23/07 **
If you can't stand behind our Troops feel free to stand in front of them!
OH Magazine
Public Relations/Staff Writer

I was banded in 2005, this past June I started having frequent vomiting. I was in the process of moving and thought this was r/t stress. Well finally got sick of all the vomiting and found a surgeon in Anchorage. He with drew the fluid in the band and did an X-Ray. Removal of the fluid didn't seem to make any difference, the doctor called today to say that "the x-ray show a high probability of band slippage". So now I have to have an upper GI. My problem is I had acute coronary syndrom and had a stent placed in Aug. so now I can't have surgery to fix the band for six months. Has anyone had a band slip? Is the repair similar to the band placement, do they put in a new band? Anyone know?
223/112/123 11 lbs under goal. Normal weight. My blog shows from the beginning of my journey,9/
I have Lost a Whole Josh