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on 10/29/07 3:15 am - Dracut, MA
VSG on 04/06/12
Topic: AN INVITATION to GLBT interest board
Hello...I have posted this information a couple of times.  I am inviting ANY gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered members or supporters  to a specific "MESSAGE BOARD"  for our community. Since posting the first invitation several longtime OH members who where not aware of this board have started to post. This is the direct link to the message board. gender/posts.html Thank You........Sean
on 10/26/07 12:13 pm - Fairbanks, AK
Topic: RE: Doctors In Alaska????
P.S. I am also a teacher in Fairbanks.  I am at Randy Smith Middle School
on 10/26/07 12:10 pm - Fairbanks, AK
Topic: RE: Doctors In Alaska????
Hello Deej....I would love to see you in group for numerous reasons.... #1 I also lived in Clovis and feel a kinship there #2 our wls support group has a wide variety of surgeons and those who look after us...perhaps you can tap into their knowledge #3 it's hard enough moving into the interior of Alaska without friends...nevertheless understanding who is wls friendly and not Come join our group with some questions....we meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at Tanana Valley Clinic...3rd floor conference room. And, by the name is Sherry
Jenn A.
on 10/19/07 6:10 am - Visalia, CA
Topic: Calling all school and Sunday School Teachers

I am working on a holiday project for Marine Recruits who are sick or injured and having to spend time in Medical Rehab Platoon. Many of the recruits don't know if they will get sent home or they will get to see their dream come true. Below is a letter if you can read it and help out that would be great. Thanks, Jenn I am with a group call Marine Moms Online (MMO). We are an Internet support group for thousands of families of the Marine Corps. Each holiday season we turn our attention to sick and injured recruits at the Training Depots in both San Diego and Parris Island . These young men and women, approx 750, have been removed from regular training and will be in the Special Training Company (STC) over the holiday season. On Christmas morning MMO delivers a patriotic holiday stocking to each of these recruits. The stockings are filled with items that have been donated from various sources. In the stockings the recruits receive phone cards, envelopes, stamps, note pads and pens. But the key "gift" in this stocking is a bundle of letters that we collect from children all over the country. Last year each recruit had 12 letters in their stocking. That is over 8000 letters! Our goal is to bring cheer to these special recruits on Christmas Day and to show them how much we support them and stand behind their determination to become a United States Marine. And you can be part of that impact - in a very simple way! Would you please help by collecting letters and/or drawings from children of all ages? The subject can be patriotic, holiday wishes, or even a simple thank you for serving our county. It can be from schools, Sunday schools, clubs, and just your own kids. The end result is letters. However you decide is the best way for your class or school to participate is greatly appreciated. Following are simple guidelines for the letters. - Notes, letter, pictures and cards accepted. - Salutation should be "Dear Recruit" - Envelope for each letter/drawing is not necessary - send it all in one package to the address below. - NO personal return addresses. - Mark the back of each note with a classroom sticker or stamp with the school address, if they desire possible responses from recruits. Please mail your letters to arrive by December 5, 2007 to this address: MMO Holiday Project c/o The Avery’s

2403 West Sunnyside Ave Visalia CA 93277
Thanks in advance for your support of our project. We can make the Christmas season just a little better for these recruits who SO desire to serve our country. Sincerely, Jennifer Avery P.S. You can view photos from past visits at this website:


Jenn  ~ Obesity Help Support Group Coach~
**In Memory of My Son PFC Jeffrey A. Avery KIA Iraq 4/23/07 **
If you can't stand behind our Troops feel free to stand in front of them!






Ronda E.
on 10/16/07 8:33 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: OH Magazine Issue 5
You cheered for him on TV when he walked away with the Biggest Loser title and now you can read about Erik Chopin and his decision to forgo weight loss surgery and choose to lose his weight through diet and exercise. Erik's story about weight loss and plastic surgery appears in the latest issue of OH Magazine, as well as a sidebar from his plastic surgeon Dr. Andre Aboolian who explains what you need to know if considering plastic surgery. Readers will also learn about Lap Band fills; saline vs. silicone breast implants--what you need to know; finding intimacy; and fitness basics. You will also receive delicious recipes for the fall season and see before and after photos of your fellow OH members. This issue offers something for everyone whether you are considering weight loss surgery, already underwent weight loss surgery or are losing those excess pounds through diet and exercise. If you are already a subscriber, your issue is on its way. If you still need to subscribe to this bi-monthly publication, and receive six issues for the low price of $25, please click on the purple word Magazine at the top of this page or go directly to If you have any questions regarding your current subscription, or need help subscribing, please email Annie at [email protected].
Ronda Einbinder
OH Magazine
Public Relations/Staff Writer

on 10/15/07 12:25 pm - Wilder, VT
Topic: Band Slippage

I was banded in 2005, this past June I started having frequent vomiting. I was in the process of moving and thought this was r/t stress. Well finally got sick of all the vomiting and found a surgeon in Anchorage. He with drew the fluid in the band and did an X-Ray. Removal of the fluid didn't seem to make any difference, the doctor called today to say that "the x-ray show a high probability of band slippage". So now I have to have an upper GI. My problem is I had acute coronary syndrom and had a stent placed in Aug. so now I can't have surgery to fix the band for six months.  Has anyone had a band slip? Is the repair similar to the band placement, do they put in a new band? Anyone know?


on 10/15/07 12:16 pm - Wilder, VT
Topic: RE: Doctors In Alaska????
Hi Also Dr. Grant Searl @ Alaska Regional in Anchorage.
on 10/6/07 12:49 am - Fairbanks, AK
Topic: AK Chat Room???
Hello out there neighbors!  Does anyone ever use the AK Chatroom feature?  It would be a great place for us to get together and share ideas/products etc.  We in AK are truly deprived compared to what our WLS sisters and brothers are able to get in the lower 48.  They have no concept of what it costs to have products shipped here.....or what we are able to get/not get. :) Sherry
on 10/4/07 11:56 am - Fairbanks, AK
Topic: RE: OT My son needs a post card from Alaska, can you help me.
Yup...that's a can-do...what's the address?  I'll send one out tomorrow. :) Sherry  aka....akflurry
on 9/30/07 1:40 pm
Topic: OT My son needs a post card from Alaska, can you help me.
Sorry to  bother you all on your little board.  I normally post on the main forum.  My son needs to do a project for school.  He needs post cards from differnet states.  Just one mailed to him.  He has been an awesome cheerleader for my weightloss and would love to receive mail.  Is there anyone here that would send him a post card.  I will send you the money for it.  Please send me a message. thanks brenda

223/112/123  11 lbs under goal.  Normal weight.  My blog shows from the beginning of my journey,9/
I have Lost a Whole Josh
Ilostajosh2.jpg picture by Steffan6699      \,9/

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