Recent Posts
Topic: PROTEIN*2GO FREE Sample Coupon!
Hello OH Members,
Looking for a protein drink supplement to take on the run? Designer Whey has
a special message and FREE protein sample offer for OH Members! See below:
From Designer Whey:
Today we lead very busy lives, making it difficult to follow a proper diet
and eat healthy. DESIGNER WHEY(r) is preparing to combat this trend with the
release of PROTEIN*2GO supplement paks. It is now easier for anyone
on-the-go to grab a healthy powdered drink supplement with PROTEIN*2GO paks,
on your way to work, the gym, carpool or daycare, just add the protein
powder to a water bottle, shake and enjoy. For a FREE sample coupon, click

Topic: Insurance Gal at Dr.s office
Just talked with my Dr's office (Ins section) and I'm so close as to enough co-morbidities that they are going to submit my whole package instead of just preapproval, so in case they don't approve it I'm not paying for the surgery. But you know since Tricare denied me I am really afraid Fed BCBC are going to do the same. I have like 2 out of 3 co-mobidities. Really worried. The ins gal said I can call back next Thurs to see if there is any word on the package. This has really put me down in the dumps. Jaye Dene
Topic: New Support Group in Anchorage
Hello Everybody! My name is Kimberly. I have recently completed the OH leader training and am now starting a surgical weight loss support group in Anchorage. contact me at [email protected] to let me know the times and locations best for you, or check this msg board in a week or two when I will be posting dates and location.
Topic: Good Luck, TraceeB
Today is Tracee's surgery day and I'm sending good thoughts and prayers her way for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery.
Best wishes from Mississippi!!!
Topic: Another Alaskan!
Morning all. I am another Alaskan that hopefully will be having a revision done in the near future. I live in North Pole and work on Eielson as a GS employee. I'm retired AF. Just wanted to say hello for now.
Jaye Dene
Topic: OH Groups-"The Next Frontier Support Group"
OH has created a wonderful new forum for OH members. On-line support groups! We have just organized a support group for members who are 1+ years Post Op. We find that our needs are very different than what is typically offered at our regular support group meetings, so we created a space for the population of members who have some experience under their belts, but face different problems than a newbie would. You can check out our group at:,0/page,1 /
Membership into this group must be approved by one of the site administrators. Thanks OH for providing this fabulous venue.
AKFlurry, Fairbanks Alaska
Topic: RE: FAIRBANKS....ANYONE??????
Hello Angel. We are glad you found us. If you have questions on WLS please consider joining our WLS Support Group. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at TVC on Noble Street, 3rd floor conference room at 6:00. We have many people that join us, ranging from those looking into the surgery and just have questions, to newbies who are a week-two out, to people who had the surgery 7+ years ago. Support groups are a great place to get answers to some of the questions you may have.
:) Sherry
Topic: RE: FAIRBANKS....ANYONE??????
Hello infantrywife! I'd love to be your friend. Yes, I live in Fairbanks and it's a great place to live. Our WLS support group meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Tanana Valley Clinic located on Noble Street in the 3rd floor conference room (the Dunlap Room) at 6:00 p.m. Please come and join us. I am a teacher at Randy Smith Middle School and I am over 18 months post op having lost 115 lbs. Welcome to Alaska!
:) Sherry
on 1/10/08 4:33 pm - AK
on 1/10/08 4:33 pm - AK