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Hello Fairbanks OH members.
I am hopeing if someone can tell me if they have ever used John Mayer MD. If so what was your overal experinces. Good or Bad please tell.
Hi! We made it to Fairbanks on Super Bowl Sunday. I won't lie, the first two days here, I cried. I have such an awesome group of friends I left behind and it was all really tough.
I did get to meet someone from this site....but I hope to meet more. I want to make it to the next support meeting. Is it next week???? And I have a question...Are there ANY bariatric surgeons here???? I would hate to have to rush down to Anc. if something were to suddenly go bad. So an update...I am not quite 8 months out and have lost 165 lbs. I am getting small...but I have another 45 to lose! I know I can do it!! :) Ok...hit me up....I am always up for getting together!

Dealing with insurance companies is the worst and waiting seems to take forever, just remain strong and persistent - good luck and hope everything works out.