Recent Posts
Topic: Gen Soy crisps Creamy Ranch
They are so tasty and good for you. They are readily available, even in Alaska, and not very expensive. My daughter loves them. I feel much better about giving her soy crisp vs Gerbers Graduates "Lil Crunchies" which are basically cheetos rip offs for babies and nutritionally devoid! I reviewed them on my blog! .html
Topic: RE: support group?
Rebecca there is one in Fairbanks at TVCC on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm. It is primarily for patients of Alverado surgeons but I was told I was welcome. I haven't been yet but I'm planning on giving it a shot. Maybe we could go together!
Topic: A protein powder designed to cook and bake with!
Imagine adding a tasteless , carbohydrate free, sugar free, and fat free, protein to any food you can imagine?
It is called Any Whey and I just reviewed it on my blog.
Topic: a great, cheap, healthy protein powder from Wallmart?!?
Really! Body Fortress 100% premium Whey Protein powder with 46 that is not a typo..yes, 46 grams of protein...for two scoops and only, 3 grams of sugar! Read more on my blog! y-protein.html
Topic: Are all Girl scout cookies evil? you mean there is an almost healthy one?
I know we aren't suppose to be having cookies of any type much less those addictive Girl scout cookies but I just can't turn down a parent, much less a girl scout herself, trying to peddle these tasty nuggets. So, if you are like me, I found the least diet damaging one! h-real-girl-scouts.html
Topic: RE: Miss Bimbo an online game for 9 year olds!!!!!
Never heard of it but I think it is a really BAD idea!
Topic: Miss Bimbo an online game for 9 year olds!!!!!
If you thought Bratz dolls sent a negative body image to young girls you havent seen anything yet! How about an online game geared to 9 year olds that allows them to make their own online BIMBO doll and get points for getting plastic surgery, loose points for it gaining weight, etc. At least they removed the option for buying your Bimbo diet pills!!!! Seriously this is unreal! Read more on my blog!
Topic: RE: phsycological eval
Doug Heise at Hope Counseling does psych evalualuations, and hes really nice
Topic: OH Magazine Mar/Apr 2008
Our yearly exercise and fitness issue is now available!! We are excited to introduce you to four remarkable OH members, our very own Fit and Fabulous Four! I had the opportunity to interview all four of these remarkable people (Sherry, Sheila, Brian and Geoff) who with amazing determination met some remarkable fitness goals. This issue also features an article by Kathleen Nickerson, PhD called Exercise It Does a Brain Good; other articles include Exercise how to leg extensions; preparing for your contouring surgery; intimacy and sexuality after weight loss; and recipes for success by Michelle "Eggface" Vicari. If you are already a subscriber, your issue should be arriving any day; if you have not yet subscribed to OH Magazine, at the new low price of $19.95 for six bi-monthly issues, please click on the purple word magazine above or call 1-866-297-4966 to subscribe today!
Ronda Einbinder
OH Magazine
Public Relations/Staff Writer
OH Magazine
Public Relations/Staff Writer