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Topic: Fairbanksinians check in!!
Would anyone like to meet up for coffee this week or weekend? Hubby is at NTC training and I'm feeling it! I'd love a chat with some other ADULTS!! My children have me speaking baby-nese!! It will help me keep away from the hand to mouth syndrome too. Let me know!! Maybe Starbucks at Barnes and Noble?
Topic: RE: I'm going in on Monday, June 30
Sure, send the info!
someone emailed me the time and location for the Fairbanks group. First and third Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. at Tanana Valley Clinic
I'm not much of a joiner but I might go. It has been helpful to hear about how other people manage.
Topic: RE: New to this forum
Hi Jamie :) My name is Lisa and I live in Eagle River. I'm new to the board too. I'm still waiting on approval from the insurance company before I can have the surgery.
I read your profile. Congratulations on all the wonderful changes that have happened recently :)
Topic: RE: I'm going in on Monday, June 30
I'm actually working on starting one myself ,but the lovely folks here on OH, that do the training schedule it at 3am our time!! I'm a night owl but usless at 3am!! I know that there is a group here and I have the info if you are interested. It is a surgeon's group but they welcomed me to join in.
Topic: RE: I'm going in on Monday, June 30
It is interesting about how the mind and body seem to struggle to keep up with each other. I knew someone else had to feel this way so thanks for sharing.
I'm still feeling better bit by bit. 12 lbs. now. Woo hoo!
There is a weight loss support group in town, but I don't know where.
I just bought Weight loss Surgery for Dummies and I wish I'd had it before the surgery. It's very good.
Topic: RE: I'm going in on Monday, June 30
I'm driving in for a fill in August, I love Doc Searles!! I'm right in the middle of this and would also like to meet some more people in the same boat! We should do Decaf Skinny sugar free lattes no whip (lol!!) at Starbucks one day!!
Topic: RE: I'm going in on Monday, June 30
I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. I can relate to feeling emotionally flat after surgery. I had this odd sense of being disconnected that I attributed to pain killers. The rapid weight loss I experienced in the begining led to an almost euphoric state that has now left me feeling disconnected again. I think my mind is having a BIT of trouble keeping up with all the changes in my body and routine. I recently started going to OA meetings online, while working up the courage to go to a face to face meeting. It seems to be helping a bit. Feel free to give me a holler any time!!
Topic: RE: I'm going in on Monday, June 30
Hi! I am new to the board and I too had surgery on Monday June30. I live in Fairbanks but was sent to Anchorage for my Lap Band surgery. I had Dr. Searle and he was better than I expected. Not really friendly at my pre-op appts but great after surgery! I had my first post-op appt today and head back to Fairbanks tomorrow morning. Thankfully, I'm feeling quite good and looking forward to lots of losing to come. This first week I lost 11 lbs! I would love to get to know some others going thru this too! There's always comfort in numbers

Topic: RE: I'm going in on Monday, June 30
I had the surgery and I'm more than happy with Dr. Mayer. FMH was a little bumpy. The nursing staff weren't used to dealing with a bariatric patient, but you know, looking back, they tried. I would say it was a good stay.
the first day was rough, but I think from the morphine and them not letting me have anything to drink. The doctor wanted to make sure I wasn't going to leak. I didn't.
I was off the narcotic by the third day and take tylenol when I need it. I have had much pain. I'm weak I had the foamies and a dump episode one day. But I'm doing really well.
The unexpected thing for me was feeling flat emotionally. I just didn't care about anything other than getting well. I asked myself if it was worth it and would I do it again. At that point I didn't know if I wanted to do anything again. I think I need some small craft projects or some puzzles to keep me occupied.
But I love watching the scale move. 11 lbs. since June 30. This includes 10 lbs I've been fight for months. They crept in and I couldn't make the stay away. sure has helped. This is a great resource. Thanks to everyone!