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Kimberly N.
on 1/3/09 4:57 am - Anchorage, AK
Topic: RE: New to the area
I think it's a great idea to meet informally.  Kaladi Bros. has a free meeting room at two of their locations.  OH is going to train me to be a support group leader, but the training won't be until February.  So, I can't hold any official meetings until then.  But, I am planning on having a group open to anyone, with guest speakers, product samples, and the whole nine yards. 

Dr. Searles did my surgery on 11/11.  I didn't know he was having a support group meeting on 1/29.  I've called a couple of times to talk to him, and  he hasn't returned my call on topic.  Dr. Searles is very competent, just quiet and not much organized after care.  You have to ask him lots of questions.  Many other doctors in town told me he would be there preferred surgeon.  I have absolutely no problems, so far.  

I am also going to start an online store so that we can get products without the high shipping costs, here.   

on 1/3/09 4:43 am - polarbears&igloos, AK
Topic: Hello, new here.
Hello everyone, my name is Jessica. I am 16 and I live in Anchorage. The WLS surgery I am interested in is the DS and I understand that there are no DS surgeons here in anchorage, I was wondering if anyone knows if Alaska medicaid covers the DS? here a link to my "story" I posted on the DS board. My BMI is 88.9 and my weight is 502.

Link:,messageboard/action,r eplies/board_id,5357/cat_id,4957/topic_id,3813151/
on 1/2/09 10:54 am
Topic: RE: New to the area
i would totally like to have a Support Group.. i know that dr todd has one coming up and dr searles has one the 29th of jan..... but im used to going to meetings every week.....soo i dont know but ill be having surgery on the 8th of jan with dr searles and im sure i will need to have some support from people who have been where ill be......and i dont know maybe all of us could just meet up at starbucks or something like that during 1 day a week or so....that would be nice.......
on 1/2/09 9:45 am - Anchorage, AK
Topic: RE: New to the area
I work at Alaska Regional hospital as well as at Providence medical center.  I know Dr. Todd and have asked him about attending his support groups.  He told me that my husband and myself are welcome to attend but that could have been because I occasionally take care of some of his post ops.  Be forewarned, the support here in Alaska is very lacking.   I have run across post ops with no post op education whatsoever about supplementation or  dietary changes.   I post a blog where I do product reviews and give reviews of on line as well as local places that stock what we post ops need. s-dark-chocolate.html

that post lists the local GNC I go to.  The owner is a post op himself.   He stocks Isopure shakes and ISS Oh Yeah! wafer bars in all flavors.    They also honor the GNC gold card price all month long.  I have also reviewed  several books on  weight loss surgery  and give excerpts  from each on my blog as well.  Several have great information for maintaining. 
If I can be of any further assistance to you,  please feel free to contact me. 

Kimberly N.
on 1/2/09 4:20 am - Anchorage, AK
Topic: RE: New to the area

I will ask Dr. Searles to come to some meetings (actually I already have, but he hasn't answered me yet), and maybe even some of the surgeons from California and Washington that solicit patients, here.  I will also try to get dieticians, personal trainers and psychologists to come to meetings.  I do know a doctor at the Providence diabetic clinic who wants to get support going for bariatric surgery patients, too, so he'll be someone I contact, as well.  I have also arranged for some of the vitamin and protein companies to send us samples to taste at meetings, etc.  Finally, my daughter is a big soccer player, and practices at the changepoint dome several days a week.  They have a track around the fields, and I walk there while she is practicing.  I am in the process of negotiating a special rate for support group members, so that we could meet up and have an exercise buddy or buddies. 

I think it would be great to get something informal going until OH gets me the formal training.  I know Kaladi Brothers has acations meeting room at 2 of their locations that we could use for free.  We could do lunch time or evening. 

Ashley S.
on 1/2/09 3:53 am - Ft Bragg, NC
Topic: RE: New to the area
Ok, so this Dr. Todd has a group, but I keep hearing it is closed to outside pts.  Another member and i were chatting yest about getting something going with anyone who wants to go.  I am 9 mon out, and desperately need to get on track.  Since I have been hereI don't feel "governed" LOL, enough.  Do you think there is a surgeon somewhere who would be generous enough to do some educational classes, or topic speeh type thing?
Kimberly N.
on 1/1/09 2:20 pm - Anchorage, AK
Topic: RE: New to the area
Hi, Ashley.  Welcome to Alaska!  Dr. Todd has support groups, but my surgeon, Dr. Searles, does not.  So, I am doing the training with OH this month, and will have a local group going for the rest of us in February or March.  I can't wait to meet up face to face with some fellow "losers."  I am also working on a website at  

on 1/1/09 10:29 am - Anchorage, AK
Topic: RE: Is there a support group in Anchorage?
i think its a great idea, even if there are only 2 or 3 of us- - it would be wonderful to share our information and notes, .
i'm in for sure. we could meet at my office as long as there are under 10 of us.
so if rebecca (sorry if i mispelled that) is interested, thats 3.
if its just you and me, thats fine too.
Ashley S.
on 1/1/09 8:52 am - Ft Bragg, NC
Topic: RE: Is there a support group in Anchorage?
You know I think thats a wonderful idea!! I mean these groups have to start somewhere....And I know myself well enough to know I need that "little birdy" in my ear reminding me to do the right thing.  I mean I know I cheat sometimes, but not over the edge, I'd just like to have the encouragement to not cheat at all!LOL   I have tons of excellent info from my surgeon at Ft. Bragg that I got pre and post op to be sucessful. I would love to pass that on to others. I think most people that fail do so because they are misinformed prior to surgery.  Does anyone you speak to see a nutritionist affiliated with bariatric surgery?

You know, I'll do whatever you need me to, to get things going. I have to work all week, and we are getting ready for deployment, but I can do something.  We can brain-storm it.   How many people are interested on here?
on 1/1/09 8:46 am
Topic: RE: New to the area

OMG isnt  that far??? are you army?? if so thats a super long drive....ummmm and yeah there is a support group at alaska regional hospital.....but its with dr todd and they have it in the ivy room on floor 2 i believe...but if you go on  then you can check to see when they have meetings....i have my surgery on the 8th and so i will definately get back to you about the dates of the have a great day toO.......happy new year....i know there is absolutely NOTHING to do here....

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