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Topic: RE: Fairbanks Support Group Meeting
Support Group Meeting !!!!!!!
July 8TH @ 7:00 PM
DONT FORGET... clothing exchange!!
SUBJECT: your metabolism and you!
From Airport Way turn on Cowles St by Gottschalks, turn left going towards Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, the first parking lot on the right is for the Fairbanks Cancer Treatment Center and the Outpatient clinic. Go in the entrance for the Cancer Treatment center and the conference room is on the right.
Call if you get lost, confused or need more directions. 388-1694
Support Group Meeting !!!!!!!
July 8TH @ 7:00 PM
DONT FORGET... clothing exchange!!
SUBJECT: your metabolism and you!
From Airport Way turn on Cowles St by Gottschalks, turn left going towards Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, the first parking lot on the right is for the Fairbanks Cancer Treatment Center and the Outpatient clinic. Go in the entrance for the Cancer Treatment center and the conference room is on the right.
Call if you get lost, confused or need more directions. 388-1694
Topic: RE: Fairbanks Support Group Meeting
Yes we have meetings every month, the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of e very month, We have a meeting tonight, the 8th of July and another on the 22nd of July.
Topic: Come Join Us!
A new Weight loss support group has been formed via is the :
NJ WLS Group
We would like to welcome All members of OH - regardless of what type of surgery you have had or state you call home.
This is a secret facebook group - it will not show up in your Facebook profile and only Admins can invite members.
If you are interested please PM me with your FB info and I will send a FB friends request to you - once you accept it I will send the invite to you - we look forward to meeting everyone!
NJ WLS Group
We would like to welcome All members of OH - regardless of what type of surgery you have had or state you call home.
This is a secret facebook group - it will not show up in your Facebook profile and only Admins can invite members.
If you are interested please PM me with your FB info and I will send a FB friends request to you - once you accept it I will send the invite to you - we look forward to meeting everyone!
Topic: Parties post op style!
Last year for Lilith's 2nd birthday, I purchased a cake from Costco. Yes, I know, not smart for two post bariatric patients to bring a giant cream filled cake into their home. I am not claiming that I have super self control or anything, because I don't, but once I get ill (aka dump) on something, I'm done with it. I mean really done. As a child I once became ill on Dinty Moore beef stew and haven't been able to look at a can of it without feeling nauseous ever since. The only thing that I still attempt, (even though it is like playing Dumping roulette), is ice cream. Even though I stopped allowing 1/2 gallons in my house and only buy low carb or low sugar individually wrapped novelties, it is still bad. I know that if I stop at one (okay on a bad day 2), I will be okay. But, ice cream is my Achilles heel, my Anna crack if you will. It is also my #1 trigger food or gateway drug. This means that if I give in to the ice cream, I am more likely to give in to other naughties and then you better lock up your chocolate and SunChips! Ice cream releases my inner sugar and carb monster. It also is the first food I want when I want to stress eat. But other than ice cream, if something makes me dump, I don't even see it after that. I don't care how good it was. Maybe this is because I usually vomit when I dump and have horrible cramps. It isn't pretty folks. It isn't suppose to be, that is one of the ways this surgery works, it is suppose to deter you from eating things that will make and/or keep you fat. It always reminds me of the movie "Clock Work Orange". I am "conditioned", if you will, not to want certain foods anymore via pain aversion therapy.
Husband, not so much. Husband can get violently ill from something and after he is through being sick, go have more of it. This always makes me sit and look at him with a puzzled/disgusted look on my face.
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Last year for Lilith's 2nd birthday, I purchased a cake from Costco. Yes, I know, not smart for two post bariatric patients to bring a giant cream filled cake into their home. I am not claiming that I have super self control or anything, because I don't, but once I get ill (aka dump) on something, I'm done with it. I mean really done. As a child I once became ill on Dinty Moore beef stew and haven't been able to look at a can of it without feeling nauseous ever since. The only thing that I still attempt, (even though it is like playing Dumping roulette), is ice cream. Even though I stopped allowing 1/2 gallons in my house and only buy low carb or low sugar individually wrapped novelties, it is still bad. I know that if I stop at one (okay on a bad day 2), I will be okay. But, ice cream is my Achilles heel, my Anna crack if you will. It is also my #1 trigger food or gateway drug. This means that if I give in to the ice cream, I am more likely to give in to other naughties and then you better lock up your chocolate and SunChips! Ice cream releases my inner sugar and carb monster. It also is the first food I want when I want to stress eat. But other than ice cream, if something makes me dump, I don't even see it after that. I don't care how good it was. Maybe this is because I usually vomit when I dump and have horrible cramps. It isn't pretty folks. It isn't suppose to be, that is one of the ways this surgery works, it is suppose to deter you from eating things that will make and/or keep you fat. It always reminds me of the movie "Clock Work Orange". I am "conditioned", if you will, not to want certain foods anymore via pain aversion therapy.
Husband, not so much. Husband can get violently ill from something and after he is through being sick, go have more of it. This always makes me sit and look at him with a puzzled/disgusted look on my face.
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Topic: Catch that Pie!
During one of our ER visits, when I was sick with the fish blockage, Lilith started telling us that she was hungry. I asked the Emergency Room Triage nurse if she thought we had time to go to the cafeteria before they called me back and she assured me that we did so off to the cafeteria we went.
One of the things that I have noticed, (even pre surgery this was always something that bothered me), at almost EVERY hospital that I have ever worked at, (except Porter Adventist in Littleton, Colorado because back in the day it served a vegan menu), is how UNHEALTHY the menu is at their cafeterias! My current hospital is no exception. Granted they have a wonderful salad bar but they also have a freezer with ice cream novelties and a huge rack of candy and snacks right next to the registers. They also have the revolving, lighted tower of deserts! Oh, yes, this thing is as tall as me and as big around as I probably once was (and could easily be again if I ever dared to start opening the tower door and started partaking of the calorie laden goodies inside!). Lilith had never seen anything like it. She was entranced. Especially entranced by a huge meringue (I am sure she thought it was whipped cream which she loves)covered piece of lemon pie. She watched it with wide eyed wonder as it circled round and round on the shelf that was just at her eye level. Then she turns excitedly to me and says, "Momma get it get it!", as it was coming around again. In my dehydrated and drug filled state I didn't know what she was talking about at first. "Catch it Mama! Catch it! There Mama!" She exclaimed pointing and jumping up and down! I started trying to think of a way to tell he that she probably wouldn't like it because she has never had lemon pie or meringue and how it was not appropriate to have pie for dinner, etc etc, when she saw the handle on the case and opened it and tried to "catch" the slice of pie herself.
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During one of our ER visits, when I was sick with the fish blockage, Lilith started telling us that she was hungry. I asked the Emergency Room Triage nurse if she thought we had time to go to the cafeteria before they called me back and she assured me that we did so off to the cafeteria we went.
One of the things that I have noticed, (even pre surgery this was always something that bothered me), at almost EVERY hospital that I have ever worked at, (except Porter Adventist in Littleton, Colorado because back in the day it served a vegan menu), is how UNHEALTHY the menu is at their cafeterias! My current hospital is no exception. Granted they have a wonderful salad bar but they also have a freezer with ice cream novelties and a huge rack of candy and snacks right next to the registers. They also have the revolving, lighted tower of deserts! Oh, yes, this thing is as tall as me and as big around as I probably once was (and could easily be again if I ever dared to start opening the tower door and started partaking of the calorie laden goodies inside!). Lilith had never seen anything like it. She was entranced. Especially entranced by a huge meringue (I am sure she thought it was whipped cream which she loves)covered piece of lemon pie. She watched it with wide eyed wonder as it circled round and round on the shelf that was just at her eye level. Then she turns excitedly to me and says, "Momma get it get it!", as it was coming around again. In my dehydrated and drug filled state I didn't know what she was talking about at first. "Catch it Mama! Catch it! There Mama!" She exclaimed pointing and jumping up and down! I started trying to think of a way to tell he that she probably wouldn't like it because she has never had lemon pie or meringue and how it was not appropriate to have pie for dinner, etc etc, when she saw the handle on the case and opened it and tried to "catch" the slice of pie herself.
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Topic: Daytime Support Group Meeting
Fairbanks, North Pole, Ft Wainwright
I will be having a support group meeting on Jun 25th. 11 am - 12 noon, at the Noel Wein Library meeting room. If you have any questions please call me 378-6281
I will be having a support group meeting on Jun 25th. 11 am - 12 noon, at the Noel Wein Library meeting room. If you have any questions please call me 378-6281
Topic: RE: New here and I eat for comfort.
Hi, my name is Jessica and I live in Anchorage AK as well. I'm not sure if by your post that you are stating that you want help for info about wls or if you want help to stop your overeating. But I just wanted to let you know that there is an over eaters anonymous here in anchorage. This is their contact info:
419 Barrow St
Anchorage, AK 99501-2515
(907) 279-1942
They also have a website:
I wish you the best.
419 Barrow St
Anchorage, AK 99501-2515
(907) 279-1942
They also have a website:
I wish you the best.

Hello, my name is Jessica
I'm 20 and I got my DS!! check out my page.

I love my DS!!!!

sw(535)/cw(220)/goal (?)
Wanna learn about the DS? Come to the DS forum or check out these websites: OR

I love my DS!!!!

Wanna learn about the DS? Come to the DS forum or check out these websites: OR
Topic: RE: Fairbanks Support Group Meeting
Our next meeting is the 24th of june @ 7:00 pm at Fairbanks cancer treatment center.