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I am four years post op and have nothing but good to say about Dr Todd and his staff. He has been there for me when he didn't have to be and has seen me through two unrelated emergencies( pregnancy related). He even attended my daughter's birth just to take care of me. Whenever I have needed an appointment his staff gets me right in. I live in Fairbanks and they are still accommodating. You have nothing to fear and are in great hands! My surgery was super successful and I have maintained my 140 lb weight loss and am 140lbs.
I wasted 18 months and $15.000 out of pocket dealing with Dr. Todd's office. I completed all requirements within 3 months of my initial appointment with him, during which he rushed out to perform a surgery which is totally understandable but still charged me $500+ for an "in depth 60+ minute medically complicated consultation" which was not covered my insurance. In reality I was with him for approximately 8 minutes during which time his office manager kept opening the exam room door and saying she needed to "keep the door open to keep him moving quickly". The lobby and waiting room was full, so there was absolutely no privacy. After all of that, I waited months and months and months and months for authorization and a surgery date with weekly check-ins (which I was also charged for!). Come to find out, I was never sent for authorization, then I was told because it had been so long I would have to start repeating pre-op testing, and it would be several more months before I could get a surgery date "because patients who had all of their stuff together are first priority". I did have all of my stuff together, but staff did not! I also had to repeat tests several times, and make several additional trips to Anchorage because they "forgot" various things, like tobacco screening tests, which I could have done locally. The staff is all around highly incompetent, with very poor patient care/customer service. Dr. Todd would have a more successful practice if he hired qualified staff rather than former patients.
Thanks for replying to my post. I saw Dr. Todd last week for my initial consult; I made sure I met my insurance requirements before I even went to see him. All I have left of the pre-op testing is the upper GI, abdominal ultrasound, chest xrays and psych eval; I have those all scheduled for next week. After talking to Dr. Todd about my work schedule we are aiming for November for my surgery. Do you have an angel yet? I'm in Anchorage every couple of months for work; I'm going to try to get my other SGM when I'm there next month. I wish I could come home after the surgery instead of having to stay in Anchorage for a week.

?Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.? ? Les Brown
I am also a patient of Dr. Todd. I am waiting for insurance approval(hopefully the office was able to send it out after waiting to download sleep study info),....and boy have they made me jump through hoops!!! I thought I was ahead of the game getting things situated before the initial visit but like you, I don't live in Anchorage either but in Bethel, which makes it even harder, and less of support than Jumeau. As far as the SGM, I was told I can do them a couple days before surgery as that is a Dr. Todd requirement, NOT an insurance requirement....and luckily the office offers multiple meetings every week, I also believe there is another place to go for meetings that Dr. Todd accepts,....I'll have to look for the information again. If you have any questions let me know....I would love to talk to someone doing the same thing I am,.....waiting! I started this in March....Good Luck!

the ones I attended prior to appointment didn't count towards the 3 required. my angel was so enthusiastic and told me to go asap. I'm glad he sent me, it helped me feel more comfortable when I went for my first appt.
That is really cool; I tried to go to support group meetings before my appointment but the ladies at the clinic said that I should wait until after my appointment. I'm in Anchorage about every 6-8 weeks for work; I could have been to several. I'm planning to go to 2 on the 12th and get the 3rd one done in September when I'm back up there for work. I've got a list of questions to ask that my primary care dr and I came up with; she's going to be overseeing all of my labs and tests that have to be done since I'm going to have them done in Juneau.

?Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.? ? Les Brown
I actually went to 2 support group meetings before I even made an appointment... on the recommendation of one of my angels.. and finished the 3 required after my appt. with in 2 months. fantastic that you have everything met.. I got all my appts. out of the way quickly.. not it's just getting all the results to ABC. Since you are traveling a long ways, come prepared with a lot of questions, make the most of the time you have face to face.
Awesome! Good luck. Have you attended all of the support group meetings? I'm only going to be in Anchorage for the 12th to go to my 1st appointment but hoping to get 2 of the 3 support group meetings out of the way then. I've already met my insurances requirements so I'm hoping the approval process goes as quickly as possible. Can you think of anything I need to do that will help my appointments go smoothly on the 12th? Thank you!

?Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.? ? Les Brown
I am pre-op w/Dr. Todd. paperwork being submitted to insurance after my next visit, so hoping for a surgery date soon
Hi everyone,
I live in Juneau and have to go to Anchorage to see a surgeon about WLS. My insurance recommended Dr. Todd and I have an appointment with him on August 12. I would really like to meet some people I can chat with and get to know who have been through this process. Thanks

?Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.? ? Les Brown