need your help
does any one know of a profile that has letters to insurance co
. one that they had to write. i have to write a letter to the insurance co. tell them why i fell they should over turn there NO PAY will not do. i need any help i can get.
. this letter may be the differnents between getting my surgery and not. if any of you have any information of any profile i can go and look at i will be so THANK FUL you can email me or post it. i will be looking again tomorrow.. and posting this day after day so i can get more people to see it and send me information.. yvonne

The most impotant thing is to get as many people on your side as possible. First write a letter telling the insurance company of your history with weight issues. Then have you Doctor write a letter saying this surgery is medically neccesary. If your insurance does not cover a consult with a surgeon call surgeons in your area and see if they will give you a free consult. Then ask if they would recommend the surgery for you and have them write a letter to your insurance. Also continue to write letters to your insurance company. If they still refuse look into purchasing a second insurance that completely covers or partially covers WLS. The key is to be persistant and to never give up. This is your life and you know what is best for your body. Best Wishes.