New here and I eat for comfort.
my husband is gone to camp (gold mine) and I eat. I seem to eat everything I can. I don't want to but I do. I want to be active. I have lost about 50lbs before on WW but, then I got Pregnant. I have gained about 35 lbs in the 6 mos after our son was born. (never gained a # while pregnant, due to GD) That just makes me feel worse. I know I can do it...but I can't seem to say no. It's like my body moves without me telling it to. I understand my husbands addiction so much better now, that I realize what mine is. I am an OVEREATER. I can feel that I am full but I just want to taste something so bad. this is the first time I have ever been REALLY honest about it. I seem to be looking for a "high" or a "perfect" I am craqving something and i don't know what it is. With 3 kids around eating right doesn't come easy. Please help me find my way.
Hi, my name is Jessica and I live in Anchorage AK as well. I'm not sure if by your post that you are stating that you want help for info about wls or if you want help to stop your overeating. But I just wanted to let you know that there is an over eaters anonymous here in anchorage. This is their contact info:
419 Barrow St
Anchorage, AK 99501-2515
(907) 279-1942
They also have a website:
I wish you the best.
419 Barrow St
Anchorage, AK 99501-2515
(907) 279-1942
They also have a website:
I wish you the best.

Hello, my name is Jessica
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