I just wanted to put this out there for people as an FYI. I am almost 5 years post op from the Gatric and wanted to let you know that you really need to watch what you put in your mouth as far as medications as well as foods. I have RA and take a lot of anti-inflamitory mediciation. Recently I was rushed to the hospital with a perforated ucler due to the medication. If you have had the gatric and you need to take medication, start with liquid. if your medicine doesn't come in liquid form, cru**** up and mix it with something. DO NOT take it in a pill form. Our lining is so thin now that our stomachs can't take much and those pills will sit there and eventually burn a hole. I was lucky enough to have had great medical attention and very quickly and will be ok. I wish I would have done my research on the medication intake instead of just focussing on food. I hope this might help someone else out there.