Insurance Gal at Dr.s office
Just talked with my Dr's office (Ins section) and I'm so close as to enough co-morbidities that they are going to submit my whole package instead of just preapproval, so in case they don't approve it I'm not paying for the surgery. But you know since Tricare denied me I am really afraid Fed BCBC are going to do the same. I have like 2 out of 3 co-mobidities. Really worried. The ins gal said I can call back next Thurs to see if there is any word on the package. This has really put me down in the dumps. Jaye Dene
My policy is Federal BCBS. I am a GS employee at Eielson. I either had to make it by BMI or by the co-morbidities. Stress = BMI. Surgery went ok, I'm down 30 lbs now at 6 weeks. Dr. Todd said it will go slower as my body knows what is going on this time around. So I see you did the Lap Band. How's that working for you. You look gorgeous. I still won't put my picture up cuz I don't use makeup and everything is now sagging
See you for now. Jaye-Dene