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on 6/14/15 12:44 pm - Cold Lake, Canada
Topic: RE: New Member with questions


I believe you have to start from scratch, but you could call the Edmonton clinic to verify.

From the time my referral was accepted in Feb 2014 to my first appointments was about a year (Mar 2015). I have had many of appointments since then and have appointments booked until the end of Nov 2015.  There will be more appointments to come but once the appointment with the internist and surgeon together happens and at that time they approve my surgery it will be a year from then before surgery will happen.  Its a very long process but well worth it from what I hear.  Hope this helps!


on 6/14/15 4:41 am, edited 6/14/15 4:42 am - Calgary, Canada
Topic: RE: New Member with questions

I think you'll probably have to start over, however the waitlist/timeframe will really depend on which clinic you were referred to (Calgary, Red Deer, or Edmonton).  Calgary has the longest waitlist (2+ years), and Red Deer has the shortest.  My doctor referred me to Red Deer at the end of April, and from what I've read/heard it should take a few months to start orientation (likely September).  After completing the 6 month program requirements (with 10% weight loss) the surgery can be booked.

I'm anxiously awaiting the call for orientation, as I was laid off and don't really want to start a new job until after surgery since I'll need to be available for all the appointments. Knowing of the upcoming diet restrictions and 10% weightloss requirement, I decided to get a head start at the beginning of May by using MyFitnessPal to record all my food with a daily limit of 1600 calories.  My super supportive husband offered to do this as well, and it's completely changed the way we eat!  I've already lost 27lbs, plus it will be much easier to adapt to the clinic's diet when the time comes!

on 6/13/15 9:43 pm - Canada
Topic: New Member with questions

I am brand new to this forum and wanted to ask a couple of questions regarding WLS.  I recently  moved to Alberta about 10 months ago and just finally found a doctor.  She has just filled out my referral for WLS which I am grateful for.  About 15 months ago, when living back home in Newfoundland, my Doctor sent me for the referral.  So I've been on the waitlist in NL that long.  I was wondering if that could be transferred to Alberta or if I need to start all over again.  If I start again about how long of a wait will it be? 

Thanks for any help offered.

on 6/13/15 8:30 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 06/13/14
Topic: Happy 1 Year Surgiversary to Me!

Today marks EXACTLY one year from my surgery. Yes.. I had my surgery on a Friday the 13th :O. But all went well. Thinking of how I was a year ago, I never would have expected my drastic change, not only physically but mentally and emotionally. I've gone from a size 26 to a size 14. I've gone from 370lbs to 220lbs. I can fit on rollercoasters. I can sit comfortably in concert stadium seats. I went on my first plane and sat perfectly fine in a seat. I can shop anywhere..and I mean ANYWHERE. Its a challenge not to spend your money on clothes when you now have so many options. Last year coming out of surgery I was overwhelmed, and second guessed my decision, wondering, "Did I do the right thing?" Today I can say that hell-to-the-yes I did! I no longer have high blood pressure, my likelihood of getting diabetes is low and I can jog 5k..who knew?! I recently started a new position as a youth counsellor and have become the ambassador of childhood obesity at my workplace.

I would be lying if I said it was easy though. There were tears, and anger and struggles, and the good ol' plateau! I've learned and conquered along the way. And I am not even close to being done yet!

My advice? Don't ever stop eating your protein! It is your best friend and will be forever. Carbs.. those nasty carb cravings creep up on you like little ****roaches that you cant get rid of. Be mindful of your cravings and find an activity that works for you to stop them! Mine is playing my guitar. Post a reminder on your fridge door, it can be a quote a song lyric, something! Just to remind you to stay on track. Mine (you're gonna laugh) is my before picture. It reminds me everyday where I DONT want to be again.  As soon as you're cleared to go to the gym GO. Don't think about it, don't dwell on it, just GO. 

Although I'm new to the Alberta forum, I hope that you guys all support me in my journey as I will support and help you as much as I can along your journey. 




SURGERY: Jun13, 2014  Starting Weight: 370lbs, Current Weight: 198lbs, Goal Weight: 180lbs


on 6/13/15 8:11 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 06/13/14

thanks for all the help you guys! I called yesterday and they gave me the info I was looking for. It works a bit different in Alberta so I'll have to get that all figured out but am on the right path. :) 


thanks again.


SURGERY: Jun13, 2014  Starting Weight: 370lbs, Current Weight: 198lbs, Goal Weight: 180lbs


Barb K.
on 6/12/15 1:42 pm - Canada

Hi Michelle! Here is the info for the clinic in Edmonton:

Royal Alexandra Hospital
CSC (Community Services Centre) Bldg., 4th Floor
10240 Kingsway Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5H 3V9; Central Access 780-401-BOOK (2665) or 1-877-414-2665 (Alberta Only), Clinic Phone 780-735-5620, Information Line 780-735-1078


on 6/12/15 1:39 pm - Calgary, Canada

Hi Michelle,

I'm currently on the waitlist for the Red Deer clinic, and as far as I know Alberta Health requires a referral for all their bariatric clinics.  Below are the phone numbers for each of the clinics (from the on the AH website), if you give them a call they should be able to help you with how to get your Ontario clinic files transferred over :) 

Edmonton - 780-735-5620

Red Deer - 403-356-4200

Calgary - 403-955-8118


Good Luck!


on 6/12/15 11:18 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 06/13/14

Hi There! 

My name is Michelle and I recently moved to Alberta (well not recent, actually 6 months ago lol). I had my RNY surgery last year in Ontario. I called the Ontario Bariatric Clinic for some info on how to connect with a Bariatric Clinic in Alberta, and to my not-so-surprise they had no idea. Sooo.. I'm hoping that someone on this forum can direct me in the right direction as to how I can get in contact with a clinic in Alberta. 


Thank you,



SURGERY: Jun13, 2014  Starting Weight: 370lbs, Current Weight: 198lbs, Goal Weight: 180lbs


on 6/8/15 6:14 am - Drayton Valley, Canada
Topic: RE: Sleeve on May 28, 2015 in Tijuana @ OCC

Hi Zeb1967, glad to hear everything went well for you. I have struggled with heartburn for years. I find the green and white dinner mints you get from restaurants works great for heartburn. It's the peppermint in them that has helps. 

Hope you figure out your heartburn. 

on 6/7/15 9:30 pm - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 05/28/15
Topic: RE: Just received money back from Alberta Health Care - Had surgery in Mexico

Which forms from AH did you download?  

I am 10 days post-op from my Mexico surgery (Sleeve).




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