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sorry for the delay in responding yes they actually do keep follow ups actually I have 2 appointments coming up july 22 23 great doctor and staff he has
Hi Michelle, congrats on your journey - I have had my surgery over two years ago and I am also from Toronto (Had my surgery there) - I am looking for a group and medical supports here in Alberta - Calgary actually I just moved here. Where are you located? I would love to meet some people to share this journey with, I am having some struggles right now and I would be would love some people to chat about them. Let me know :)
Wow, quite the ordeal. I had surgery a couple of years ago and at one point I had a permanent tube and bag installed fir drainage. There was a miss communication between my doctors and a stitch was left behind that abcessed and caused necrosis. That was a pain in the ass. So I can relate ;) Im not on insulin right now , pills. But insulin is right around the corner. I'm hoping to avoid it all together and have the surgery before that point. So pleased to see that both of you noticed changes so quickly! I have a long ways to go.
I had the SADI loop s urge to on 1/27/15. After surgery my blood sugar was at 180. They gave me some insulin. That was the last time I had insulin! I was on a pump witn 5X concentration for five years. And shots before that. Usual waking number is from 85-90. The surgery worked!
Sure. I spent two weeks in the hospital after surgery. I contracted CDiff while there and one of the incisions got grossly infected. 7 weeks later it is still draining but definitely getting better. I've struggled with swallowing and still have some troubles but it is better. So staying hydrated has been a challenge and eating is still difficult. I'm also still having pain at the incision site that is infected. Apparently I drew the short straw and very very few people go through what I have. I have been v depressed about it but finally can see the benefits of the surgery. I'm certain your experience will be better. I had the surgery to lose weight but also to help out my diabetes. I'm very happy about the result of the decrease in meds. Best of luck!! Please let us know how it goes.
Thanks so much for the information. It sounds like everything for you is going well; glad to hear it.
Does the clinic continue to follow up with folks (dietican and psychologist help)?
hello I actually was in the hospital with a wonderful lady also from fort Mcmurray and she expressed it was no time for her and she had her surgery done ,, they do take in account where you live but I will be honest and say if you can do the modules please take the time and do them , its amazing what you learn you will have such a better understanding and it helps with your after surgery as well ,,, your age is fine they wont refuse you because of being 32 they will do follow ups on your health and the methods you tried to lose weight ,, they are a wonderful team when you get your referral you will be on your way to a healthy you and yes alberta health covers the surgery also covers a panni once you lose the weight and maintain it ... I would express to your doctor you need this tool to help you to a new healthy you... all you can do is ask to at least be assessed by weight wise in Edmonton right , good luck I will keep my fingers crossed all goes well for you
Dr Degara just did my revision may26th He is such a wonderful caring Doctor I am so so impressed with him hes a life saver now your wait time will be not long at all I had my appointment with him I went on the booking list the next month I got my date so its summer time so it means surgery booking slows down but they get back busy in September so I would say you will be Sept or Oct but soon as he books you then ask kim for shes straight forward and she will tell you around the time of if hes behind but hes a super awesome doctor who does a lot of revisions and you will not have to wait very long as I said I waited one month and had my surgery date ... hope this helps and Kim is very easy to talk to and shes honest she will let you know around the booking times I had a Gastric sleeve and was revised to RNY
I'm very excited for this path I am starting on. The diabetes is a HUGE part of why I want the surgery . I'm sorry you are having complications Kitty, what are they? ( If you don't mind sharing).
I had gastric bypass May 11/15. I have struggled since surgery with complications. However one positive is that I have eliminated, almost immediately, my high blood pressure pill and diuretic. My blood pressure is well within normal limits now. I have been Type 2 diabetic on insulin for many years. I am now only on one metformin twice a day and a small dose of lantus at night (12units) versus 90 units preop. My blood sugars are stable now although for the first two weeks they were up and down and all over the place. So yes a very positive impact on my diabetes. Sadly I've only lost 25 lbs since surgery.