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on 7/24/15 8:35 am
Topic: RE: What happens next


When you go to the orientation they'll explain all the options, benefits, risks etc. Then they'll tell you to call and make an intake appointment with the nurse. I called the day after my orientation (because that's when they said to call) and met with the nurse a week later. They'll tell you to track your food every day and bring it in and once you've lost 10% of the weight they take that day you'll qualify for surgery. I had my orientation April 1 and surgery Nov 12.

on 7/24/15 3:29 am - Calgary, Canada
Topic: RE: Need help explaining to my husband

Ank you so much for your reply it actually answered my question beautifully. My husband is also very supportive and will ensure I follow the Dr.s orders to the letter. It was just a question that I couldn't explain. Hey maybe we will be in the same orientation session :)

Tracey Dick-Olson


on 7/24/15 12:12 am - Calgary, Canada
Topic: RE: Need help explaining to my husband

Hi Tracey,

I had the same thoughts early on!  I've been following these boards for months and there's a definite theme.... losing the weight is hard work, but it's even harder to maintain it! The pre-op diet is very restrictive, and sticking to an 800 calorie diet for more than a couple months with a full-sized stomach would be highly unlikely.  You'd always be hungry and it would be very easy to have a 'cheat day'... which leads to an extremely slippery slope.  That's why this surgery is so beneficial, you'll have this 'tool' for life of a very tiny/narrow stomach that limits your intake and also reduces (or eliminates) the sensation of hunger.  

I am currently waiting for my orientation letter from Red Deer, but wanted to prepare myself for success.  Since my referral at the end of April I've lost about 15lbs per month, just by tracking everything on MyFitnessPal with a limit of 1600 calories.  Due to my high starting weight it seems pretty easy to lose right now, but I know it's going to start to slow down and become harder and harder to lose on my own.  Reducing the calories to 800 will be very tough when the time comes, but with the support of the clinic and knowing there's an end goal of surgery will definitely help!

My husband is extremely supportive, to the point where he's actually following the same diet as me to help keep me on track.  He of course has had questions/concerns about the whole process/surgery, and this site has been an amazing resource for us!  I recommend using the search or cross-posting your question on the Vertical Sleeve and/or the General Discussion board, as you'll get amazing support and answers from the people there :)

Best of luck!


on 7/23/15 5:37 pm - Calgary, Canada
Topic: Need help explaining to my husband

I need help explaining to my husband why once we loose the pre op weight required why do we still need surgery and why we can't just keep loosing the weight without the surgery. I can't explain the reason effectively so it will satisfy his question. Can someone help me with this please .:) thank you so much

Tracey Dick-Olson


on 7/23/15 4:18 pm - Calgary, Canada
Topic: What happens next

I just received my letter today with my orientation date for August in Red Deer. What happens next? How long before I know if I am actually accepted for surgery? When do I meet the surgeon? I'm so excited sorry if I sound like I am rambling

Tracey Dick-Olson


on 7/21/15 9:35 pm
VSG on 04/30/14
Topic: RE: Sitting on the Losers Bench!

Congratulation!  Hope you have an easy recovery. Remember to walk, walk, walk and sip, sip sip.  Keep moving and stay hydrated.

Surgery: April 30, 2014: HW: 288 SW: 250 Achieved Goal 149 lbs: April 8, 2015 CW: 158 lbs (working on losing 65 lb regain as of June 1, 2021. Weight was at 215 lbs). Fighting every darn day!

Tara W.
on 7/21/15 7:28 pm - Canada
Topic: Sitting on the Losers Bench!

Well I finally made my way to the losers bench!  everything is going pretty great,  I mean it's not all sunshine and roses, it's major surgery after all, but all things said and done I'm feeling pretty good and there was no complications.  I had my Surgery on Thursday July 16th with Dr. Menezies at the Red Deer hospital.

Sleeved by Dr.Menezes at Red Deer Hospital July 16th 2015

HW 315 SW 262 CW 203-month 1 -27lbs, month 2 -7lbs, month 3 -9lbs, month 4 -8lbs, month 5 -10lbs, Month 6 -0lbs (thanks Christmas), Month 7 -8lbs,

on 7/20/15 7:58 pm
Topic: RE: New to this whole adventure

Welcome! I am from Fort McMurray and had surgery Sept 2014 in Edmonton. Your family doctor can refer you to any clinic in Alberta (wait times are different at each clinic). Referal to first appointment takes about 1 year right now. The only thing you will pay for out of pocket is travel, food and accomidations if needed while you are in the city.  Save all of your receipts and claim it on taxes. AHS covers the doctors visits, surgeries so you don't have to worry about insurance coverage. Unless you have coverage for travel expenses (I didn't). When the clinic booked my appointments, they would book them all one day or over two days to limit my travel. As far as I know age does not affect the referal at all. Hopes that helps :) 

Tara W.
on 7/19/15 11:59 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Surgery date is in February!! OMG!! What now?

I'm on the losers bench!   Came home yesterday and I'm feeling really good.  Getting my boosts down good and working on other fluids.   And as long as I stay up on my pain meds I'm feeling pretty normal.  

Sleeved by Dr.Menezes at Red Deer Hospital July 16th 2015

HW 315 SW 262 CW 203-month 1 -27lbs, month 2 -7lbs, month 3 -9lbs, month 4 -8lbs, month 5 -10lbs, Month 6 -0lbs (thanks Christmas), Month 7 -8lbs,

on 7/12/15 6:42 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery date is in February!! OMG!! What now?

4 more days Tara!!!  You must be so excited!  I'm heading off for our summer vacation soon so I won't be here when you get out.  I wish you a flawless surgery and a quick recovery.  

I am so happy I have my sleeve and wouldn't change it for the world.  Down 57 lbs now :)  

I look forward to having you on the losers bench!!  

Carrie :)

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