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on 3/17/13 2:52 am
RNY on 10/31/12
Topic: RE: Surgery on Wednesday March 20.

No my supervisor never asked for any paperwork signed but I work for Alberta Health services. Guess it depends on the employer.

I would fax it to have it over and done with before you go.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; a optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"- Winston Churchill



on 3/17/13 2:35 am - Calgary, Canada
RNY on 03/20/13
Topic: RE: Surgery on Wednesday March 20.

Thanks I figured around 4 wks ... the general consensus is most people seem to gain a few pounds right after surgery so I am trying to prepare myself for that.  I have lost 8lbs so far on the liquid diet I have a few more days to go but I am hope full that I will hit 10lbs.

Did you have paperwork that needed to be signed for work?  I am just wondering if it would be best to try to get to his office on Tuesday to have the paperwork signed or should I bring it to the hospital with me?  

on 3/17/13 2:19 am
RNY on 10/31/12
Topic: RE: Surgery on Wednesday March 20.


I had my surgery with Dr. Karmali on October 31 of 2012. I was off for 4 weeks and that was just about right. I went back just

after my 3 week checkup. Initially I had gained weight because of all the fluid they pump into you during surgery....probaly around 8 pounds but don't worry it comes off fairly quickly. By my checkup I had lost the gained 8 pounds plus another 19 plus the 15 I had lost while on the liquid in total 37 pounds. It helps to keep a weight journal. I try to record my weight every wednesday because that is the day I had surgery.

This is a great tool but I work hard at it everyday trying to eat enough protein, healthy foods and exercising. You have to do your part too.

Good luck.


"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; a optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"- Winston Churchill



on 3/17/13 1:56 am - Calgary, Canada
RNY on 03/20/13
Topic: Surgery on Wednesday March 20.
Hi everyone!

My surgery date is fast approaching Wednesday is coming really fast. I am super excited to start this next part of my journey. I am having the RNY with Dr Karmali, wondering if you had this surgery with the doctor if you can tell me how long you were of work for? How much weight did you lose your first month?

I have some papers for him to sign for work but I will only take them to him when I go in for surgery. I am assuming that I will be off for about 4 weeks as I don't go back to see him until April 18 for my first check up after surgery. But thought I would feel out what everyone else did.
on 3/16/13 10:40 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Waiting for surgery date

It's real sad to hear people from quebec has to wait  5 years to get help to be on the right road for recovery ,,i know back home    in cape breton im told there wait list is up to  10 to `7 years which blows me away to think of anyone  that long on a list ....  i hope  wait times really  become much faster  one year   to me is a perfect wait time  ,, gives you time to  learn  your new lifestyle ...There is people  out there who  are passing away with  illness from being obese   if they  could only help the ones  who  are high risk  get  surgery faster then  that could be even more years added to there life   so i wish everyone whos waiting for sugery a speedy  date take care and keep  the faith that your turn will be here fast too

on 3/14/13 11:58 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Waiting for surgery date

I'm from québec.....and over there the wait time is about 5 I'm really happy with the waiting time over here :)

on 3/12/13 12:58 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Waiting for surgery date
Thanks for all the replies. Just to clarify I'm ok with the wait time. I've already worked on tons of emotional / mental issues. Quite ready and not worried about when surgery will come. Was just curious to know how per op stuff works for others. Thanks though
on 3/12/13 12:54 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: what did you say?

Thank you everyone....


I took the time to think about it....and I choose to let the life go on and follow it....So for now I'm now comfortable to talk about it to I'll respect that....maybe one day I'll feel good enough to tell everybody....maybe not....I'll see....



on 3/12/13 12:48 pm - St Albert, Canada
Topic: RE: Waiting for surgery date

I agree with Kee, use the waiting time to deal with your mental health issues, while the weight falls off quickly if you don't get your head right it returns quickly, so spend your time now thinking about how to deal with emotional eating, binging, sugar craving, whatever, it will keep you occupied the time will fly by and you will be prepared for the lifetime after.  You'll be on the surgery line before you know it!  Trying to deal with coordinating work and surgery times, can be so frustrating, but hang in.

HW: 360 lbs; 1st Clinic Weighin: 343.7 lbs; SW: 318 lbs; LW 221lbs; Regain 256lbs  

on 3/12/13 11:31 am
Topic: RE: what did you say?

I told my closest family and friends - their support was so important and necessary going through all these changes.

I told other friends and work colleagues as I felt comfortable - and in hindsight, I probably wouldn't have shared so much with some of them, because I did lose a few friends as I lost weight. These were friends who were uncomfortable with my new lifestyle - and I realized our friendships were centred around an identity of struggling big women who like to joke around. We were joking to cover up the pain of it. I hope that some day they will be ok with how I look, because I feel I am the same on the inside.

For most people who only knew me in a peripheral way - through work or something, and were curious - I told them I became gluten intolerant (well, I don't eat bread much any more so it's not a lie) and excercised a lot, also true.

If it's someone who is honestly asking because they are also struggling with weight I always tell everything and in detail with contact info of the program. That's how I got in, because my mother's friend told me the story of her process. And it's changed my life for the better.

Honestly - two or three years out - nobody can even remember you were big any more, except those who haven't see you or photos of you from a long time ago. So this is only an issue to stress you out for the first year.

They might not even recognize it as weight loss - just that you look better/ different but can't see how. One guy I knew couldn't figure out how I had changed and he was literaly like, "it's a nose job. Your nose looks bigger." So funny - he was right - my face was just less chubby so my nose did look bigger!

Tell them you just woke up one day & had this rockin' hot body. It's nobody's business really but yours ;)


Surgery VSG Oct.8 2010. 23pds lost pre-op. I am 5'6" tall. Feeling amazing!      
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