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on 3/21/13 4:53 am
RNY on 10/31/12
Topic: RE: 3 days post-op

Yay...thats the worst the exciting journey begins. By day 9 or 10 I began to feel like myself again.


"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; a optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"- Winston Churchill



on 3/21/13 4:06 am
RNY on 03/18/13
Topic: 3 days post-op
Yay, I did it! My surgery was delayed 1.5 hours which seemed like the longest hour ever. Still in hospital and hoping to get discharged tomorrow. Still a little shy on how much to eat so talking it slow. Each day is getting better with less tubes in me!!
on 3/20/13 8:06 am
Topic: First Time - Just Got a Refferal From the doctor

I'm new here and I was just in to see my family doctor today and got the referral to the bariatric unit! I am so nervous and excited, I have read so many inspiring messages. If anyone has anything to share or tell me that would be helpful I would really appreciate it. I live here in Red Deer so would love to talk to other people who have gone through this in Red Deer.

on 3/20/13 5:30 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Wait times for surgery and scopes in Edmonton

Just to update you all

I talked to Dr Karmali's office today..... so they are currently booking people for surgery in Apr that were approved in Oct

I was approved at the end of Nov..... So I will have surgery probably June/July...... of course that depends on how much OR time is closed due to summer holidays...... but she said definately by Aug...... yay so excited its becoming reality finally :)



on 3/20/13 12:21 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Facebook Edmonton Weight Wise Group

I am not sure about a Facebook group, but they do have a group on here (Obesityhelp) called Edmonton Bariatric Support Group.  Are you a member of this group?  You could maybe get additional information...


  I'm 5 ft 7.5 inches tall... 
 "The best way to predict your future is to create it."                   
~ Unknown       

Amanda P.
on 3/19/13 11:49 pm
RNY on 04/03/13
Topic: RE: Facebook Edmonton Weight Wise Group

Are you friends with any of them on facebook?  If so they can add you to the group.  

on 3/19/13 8:49 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Surgery on Wednesday March 20.

Good Luck and speedy recovery to all the  surgerys  today on march 20th  You all will  do awesome  im sure

on 3/19/13 1:31 pm - Edmonton, Canada
RNY on 04/10/13
Topic: Facebook Edmonton Weight Wise Group

Hey Everyone,

If any of you are on the face book group, could you please ask whoever it is that approves members to please please please approve me? I've requested to join multiple times since mid February, and still nothing.

A few of the ladies from my classes are on that, and I'd love to connect with them!

Thanks :)


Surgery date: April 10, 2012    

Starting Weight: 386.0
Surgery Weight: 329.0

on 3/18/13 11:47 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Surgery on Wednesday March 20.

nice to meet you Joan :) I'm Marijane....


I was there from 1h30 to'll watch a video about all the steps to get your surgery....they do blood tests, hearth beats stuff, pulmonary capacity test, another one that I don't remember the name...but they put a q-tips in your nose, in the pelvic area and the holy hole ;) you will meat the nurse, an intern and an anesthetist (hope that I have the good words)...and maybe other stuff if you situation ask for it....for my self I had to do an X-ray.....


it's not too bad... :)

we will figure out how to see each other at the hospital....:)


good luck for tomorrow...



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