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Hi! My goal keeps changing. When I first decided on wls, I thought that if I could get to 170 I would be so happy. Then I got to 170 and I decided, just 10 more pounds. I reached that goal and then I wanted to lose 10 more. I now sit at 150, and have been at this weight for the last 6 months. I am pretty happy being at 150. But I worry about the bounceback everyone says to expect. So ultimately I would like to be 140 lbs, so I could have 10 lbs room for bounceback. I have been cheating quite a bit lately and I know I have to smarten up. The malabsorbtion of calories is still working for me, but I know I am on the tail end of this and suddenly I am going to start gaining. For now I am concentrating on maintaining and fighting those carb demons and constant snacking. I am having a panni surgery done by Dr. Nohr the end of June. I am terrified yet excited. He said not to expect a big change in weight as he figures he will remove about 3 lbs. But I am looking forward to having a flatter stomach and clothes fitting me better. I figure if I don't do this surgery, I will regret it down the road. I hope recovery goes smooth...
Congrats, by the way, for reaching your goal. You've done awesome!
I have reached my lifetimegoal of 175!! Yeah! Now what? it took 6 months to lose 5lbs lol..I am still considered overweight at 5'7", Do I make a new goal to fall in the healthy range? Try to focus on not gaining? What was your next step after reaching your goal?
I'm just starting to think about that myself. When I first had RNY I "knew" I WOULDN'T" get the panni, it seemed like a lot to go through for "vanity" :) fast forward a couple years, and I can see how much better my clothes would fit. That I would like to tuck things in, that i would like to know my fat wasn't hanging out the bottom of my swim suit or cute undies..... Things change. So now the only thing holding me back is my procrastination...
I do however, have a consultation for my arm lift on monday!! Yeahme! My arms haven't realized I've lost 125lbs and that is one thing that has always been important for me. I want to wear a tank top, dress with spaghetti straps... awwww so so excited for this step! I hope its not too long of a wait, summers coming!
hmm i have to tell you Dr Davey is very strict with weight loss while your on your 2 week liquid diet if you do not lose weight durning this time he will tell you that he will cancel your surgery , from the time i seen Dr Davey till my phone call it was 3 or 4 days shy of a month so he whips thru patients fast due to he keeps a small list , the panny is done one year i was told from maintaining your weight loss and Dr Toy i believe is the Dr from weight wise you get refered too Alberta does pay for below the belly button tummy tuck also yes alberta heath also pays for rnys too , dont stress over anything as i am a month out down 29 lbs in a month from my vsg seen Dr Davey just a week or so ago and he gives lots of hope for his patients , your call will come fast and you will do fine i am sure , your liquid diet is a challenge but if you drink enough you dont get as hungry and just remember its just 2 weeks of your life before you get a new start , best of luck to you as you have a wonderful Dr who will take awesome care of you nothing to be scared of hes been doing surgery for many many years
Dr Davey is a wonderful doctor he done my vsg and i am thankful he was the Dr who i was assigned too , i was suppost to have a rny but with things happened he was good enough to at least do my sleeve , such a kind caring Doctor i cant say enough about him aside from he has a short list it was only a month after i seen him i was having my surgery you will be in great hands with him

Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180
I do! What part of the city are you in?
Many times I was going to come and write but truthfully just forgot.
Surgery was on March 20th. All was well I did very well in the hospital however coming home was a different story. I have had extreme pain on my left side since I came home. I did go back to my family doctor as the surgeon is three hours away for me and she advised that for what she knows this is very normal. I read the forums here quite often so I know that many people seem to complain about the same pain so I guess it is normal. Everyday is a new day and I am definitely feeling like I am getting stronger.
I am doing ok with my fluids however I am still struggling to get my protein in, I am approximately getting in 25 - 35 grams daily, which is pretty low.
I did do my weight and measurements last Wednesday as it was a week from surgery and I was down 9 lbs (current weight 224 lbs) so I thought that was pretty good. I have decided I will do both weight and measurements weekly.
How about you, how are you doing?
Your consult will go great I am sure. Let me know what he says...
Hi Carolyn
, My name is Margaret, I have an appt booked with Dr. Daveys in May2013. Im just impatient, I cant wait to find out how things are done. How long from first visit til surgery etc. Also did AHC pay for the RNY procedure? I think that one would be best. Im just a bit nervous Im a diabetic, asthmatic, COPD, HBP, HIgh cholesteral. Have arthrities, & allergies Plus about 180 lbs I need to lose. Dr. says I may lose all the diseases or at least have slight cases of them. Any input would be comforting to know. or anyone else has would be good to hear. Thanks Margaret