Dr Farries
Can anyone tell me about Dr. Farries? Which surgery he offers. I had my Dr. fax in everything May 1st 2005 and the soonest appt I could get was June 27, 2006. I had heard that once you have the initial appt its around 6-9 months for the surgery. i hope so because I am getting so frustrated!
There was a woman who was in the Lethbridge Herald last week who filed a complaint against Dr Nohr, because he failed to make sure she wasn't pregnant (she was and chose to abort) and because he didn't tell her what to do after, she wanted to drink soda and eat sugar and didn't know if she could.
She REALLY pissed me off. I have been waiting for years to see someone, I have researched to death all of the possible complications, after-care, etc and am still waiting, while a dork like her got the surgery. She obviously was incredibly irresponsible and immature. You know months in advance your going to be having MAJOR abdominal surgery and your having unprotected sex just beforehand? You had 2 years between the initial consultation and the surgery and you didn't think about maybe researching what you should be eating afterwards. She sounds like someone who thought she could have the surgery but eat whatever she wanted without consequences, then has the nerve to blame the Dr.! I hope that after the College of Physicians throws her case out that he sues her for libel and all of his costs. Its a good thing they did not print her name.
I'm just curious, why you would get a referral to a Dr. when you don't even know what surgery he does?
He does the RNY. I believe after you have your consult with him, he wants you to lose 30 lbs in 3 months, and keep a food diary. I think if you lose the weight he asks for, he schedules your surgery very quickly afterwards (cause knows that we can't keep it off!). But, whether or not you have to start losing the weight right after your consult, I don't know.
He is the fastest way to go (other than self-paying), and you're lucky to ONLY have to wait a year for the consult. I thought they were a little quicker than that with him though. But really... consider yourself lucky. He sounds very demanding, but good as any.
You should join this group... http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/ossg-westcan/ There's lots of Dr. Farries patients, and they can give you better answers.
And I agree about that lady with Dr. Nohr. If you have to wait as long as we do for these damn surgeries, there's no excuse for being that stupid. I'm sure he should have checked that she wasn't pregnant beforehand, but yeah, you would think someone would be INSANELY careful not to let that happen. I've heard Dr. Nohr doesn't have the best aftercare, but there should be something said for taking some responsibility for yourself... and find out what the RNY's all about and what to expect afterwards. Some people!
Good luck,

Thanks Mandi!
I did know he did the standard RNY, but was wondering if he had expressed an interest in Lap-bands with some of the patients that got to see him before I did. Unlike Dr. Davies and Dr. Nohr, there is really nothing out there on him. And (rats!) I got a call from his office on Tuesday that my initial consultation with him has been pushed back from June 27 to July 4th. Only a few days I know but it feels like forever!
Several years ago I finally gave up and admitted that surgery was the only option, so my Dr booked me to see Dr. Hollingsworth. One year later the office called to tell me he wasn't taking new patients, and that I should have my doctor contact Dr. Nohr's office. So I had my GP send my history over, 8 months later (I knew he had a 2 year wait list) his nurse called to tell me that I was too big for the surgery (5'4 340lb), and except for my size I've always been in very good health, by bloodpressure has been 120/80 for over 15 years, and my Cholesterol scores are very good for an average skinny person. That really pissed me off, here Oprah's got 600lb people having surgery successfully, and I can't get in on half the size.
It was another year or so before I found out about Dr. Farries, the SK Dr wouldn't do anything over 300lb, and most other Canadian Dr's have up to a 3 year waiting list. If by some miracle I could get the surgery by the end of the year I would be dancing on the roof!! But I'd settle for at least getting an approximate date month wise.
I will join that group, thanks for the info again!
Dr. Farries talked to me about all operations and offered the lap band to me. I preferred another way to have my operation by him. He is well known about Canada as one of the best. Esecially if you do your part. No one should think things are given to you and so it should work with out you being part of it. Be excited and look forward to a knew you that you decided and you worked for it and you went into partnership with Dr. Farries to make a new you. The ball is in your court and Dr. Farries gives this blessing and you take over after you get your it. Make your goal with a positive mind. I listen on the video's of negective people who are lazy and it didn't work as fast as they wanted. You are the driver to keep your health and mind and body to be what you want. But, aleast you know that your in good hands with the best. Dr. Farries.