Hi from Northern Alberta
Hi Laurie!! Good luck...I am just starting to think about this..I have been dieting my whole life and after having kids have never gotten be low the 200 mark no matter how hard I try...so please let me and others know how it goes..
also can you tell us where you are having it done and the cost??..thanks so much..once again good luck!!
Hi Laura, nice to hear from you. Iam very new at working within this site however you can read numerous posts and info if you go to the Lapband Forum.
I at one point was planning on having the Gastric Bypass, but I chickened out of that one. It was just to invasive for me and the risks are much higher, of course we all have to measure the risk of surgery against our personal risks that are a result of our obesity. It is a very personal choice one has to make with for yourself and loved ones.
I am 42 and my top weight before surgery was 317, in prep for surgery I lost some weight. I was at 290.6 day of surgery, and today I am 276! and very happy. I have not had a fill you so no real restriction yet so can only get better.
Now, to answer your questions. I had mine put in on Feb 7th in Edmonton and Royal Alex hospital by Dr. Doug Davey. He works out of the bariatric clinic at that hospital. I believe there is also a Dr. Nohr in Medicine Hat, his waiting lists may be a little shorter. However, I only waited 7mths total and from what I hear that is very fast. The difference for me was I live in a small town that Dr. Davey travels to once per month so rather than waiting months to get into see him in Edmonton I could make all my apts. one after another fast in Bonnyville. You should talk to your Dr. about this also perhaps it will go fast for you also. No cost, covered by Alberta Healthcare.
Good luck, feel free to contact me any time! Nice to hear from a fellow Albertan so keep in touch Laura.

Hmm..I replied to this post but so far nothing has come up..geesh!!lol!!
anyways,thanks Laurie..and Im really happy for you,Im sure like all of us you tried every diet..and I think Im just at the point where I too have tried the diets and it just keeps going on and on...Im done..but at the same time,the money and the actual surgery is so permenant that it makes you say,well...lol...
so do you have any regrets??how do you feel now???also...how much did it cost,and did you save for it or is there any medical that will cover part of it that you know of???
I appreciate all the info,thanks so much..and Im really happy for you!!!
Hi Laurie and all,
I just found this site, and am very excited to first of all to find more information...and real people too! But also ones from Canada, with experiences like my own! I have an initial consult with Dr. Davis in 2 weeks and not sure if I will have the surgery or not, but want to find out all I can about it asap.
How are you feeling? Any side effects? How about the weight loss, is it coming off easier or are you having to really work at it? Also, I dont know what the other forums mean when they talk of a 'fill'? I know, I am a newbie, please any info would be great.
With the Gastric Band basically what happens is an adjustable band is placed around the top portion of your stomach. There is a port attached under your skin somewhere around you rib area I believe. After you have been out of surgery for awhile you need to have an appointment with your surgeon who will inject saline through the port into the band around your stomach to tighten it so that you have more restriction of food intake. The band can be adjusted tighter or looser through this port as necessary to adjust your food intake. From my understanding several fill appointments may be necessary over the first year.
The Gastric Band is a restrictive only surgery it is not a malabsorption surgery like the RNY. There are sites where you can see pictures of this gastric band device but I can't think of one know.
When you see Dr. Davey he will show you what the two surgeries are all about.
You and the doctors must choose the right surgery for you. I was actually thinking about the band myself and because I am what they consider a light weight they originally thought I might do well with one but I know what type of eater I am - I have a sweet tooth so I decided to go for the RNY because I wanted the malabsorption part as well and if you can believe this also wanted the negative reinforcement of "dumping syndrome". I see this as a negative thing incase I fall off the food wagon.
I know the RNY is more invasive but I decided for me I'd rather have the surgery once and have something that hopefully will work best for me - sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision but hey I always say go with your gut (LOL no pun intended) and that is what my gut told me.
So do your research and be honest and realistic with yourself because you know what/why you eat better than anyone else. You will start to keep a food journal and this is a tool to show you these things.
If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask.
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Thank you for all your information! I am very excited to hear such good reports about Dr. Davey and also that he will do both and you can discuss the pros and cons of each. I feel really good about the upcoming appointment and not near as discouraged to hear it might not be as long to get the surgery. Now, I am hoping that Saskatchewan Health will see it that way too! ohh no, another problem to address, hopefully will have all of that answered by next week.
thanks again,
Hi Laurie:
I am also a lapbander and Dr.Davey was my doctor I had my surgery in January at the Royal Alex. I am guessing you might live in Cold Lake, that is where I am from. How are you feeling and doing with your weight loss? Have you had a fill yet? I am going to see him on the 26th of April for my first fill, he thought I was losing at a good pace so did not do a fill.
Hope to hear from you soon.