Are there any spouses out there?
Hi Teresa
I also am in Fort Sask! Its a small world isnt it!
Im not a spouse of a GBS patient to be but i am going to be the patient.
Im not too sure about the life after deal yet since i have yet to go through it myself. I do know several people that have had it and i know there are many changes to be expected.
Just out of curiosity.. who is doing your husbands surgery and how long did it take to get a surgery date? My Family Dr here in the Fort is writing a refferal letter for me to have this done. I have several serious co morbidtalities so im wondering if this will help get me up the list faster
Along with being seriously obese i also suffer from sleep apnea, astherma,borderline diabetes,hardened arteries and bad circulation and a serious high BMI
Drop me a post when you get a chance

Man, is it ever a small world!? Thank you for replying to me!
You are right, there are many changes to go through. We have a very close friend that has gone through this about a year ago. (she is doing GREAT!!
) Although, I figure whatever the changes, will we face them together!
My husband is actually not having his surgery in Canada. He is going to Argentina. There was a 18-24 month waiting period to just get into the DR and then another 2-3 year waiting period for the surgery. He decided he did not want to wait the possible 4 years that it would take. I do know though, that if you do have serious health conditions, you are put higher on the list. SO, I am not sure how long it would take for you.??
Thanks again and maybe will can chat again!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas,

Hey Teresa - just wondering if your husband has had his surgery yet and how he is doing. I'm having surgery in Apr here in Edmonton. If there's anything I can do let me know.
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face." - Eleanor Roosevelt