Anyone know of a Family physician in Calgary?
I am looking for a doctor in Calgary to refer me to see either Dr. Nohr or Dr. Davie for the surgery. Anyone have any suggestions on who to see? if so please email me at [email protected].
Hi Kerri
I didn't realize that we now had our own messageboard on ObesityHelp. I wanted to tell you about a dr that I have seen in Calgary. His nameis Dr Philip Mitchell he is in the Suitor House ay 1004-8th Avenue S.E. (Inglewood) his number is 403-264-6720 and email addy is [email protected]
I had surgery on July 31, 2004...and I had it in Mexico,...I had my first fill in Mexico two and my second in Ontario while I was there on vacation this past summer. I got Dr Mitchell's name from the Ontario dr that did my fill. The only thing is, with Dr Mitchell,...they are working on fills right now and consulting with new patients, they are not actually doing the surgeries yet. They anticipate a yr, yr and a half. BUT,..I do know from when I was refered by my family dr, to Dr Nohr (Davey isn't taking new patients at this time, he's apparently to back logged), when I was refered to Nohr there was a 2-4 yr waiting list for surgery with him. I couldn't wait that long. My family dr,....Dr Simon James in Okotoks refered me to Nohr but I never went to see him after I heard how long I'd have to wait for surgery, I bit the bullet and self paid $8500 US in Mexico, but I had it done immediately. Think about it,...I'm a year out past surgery right now and I weigh 150 lbs,...had I still been waiting for Nohr,...I'd still be over 200.
Look forward to hearing from you
on 2/6/06 2:14 pm - Millarville, Canada
on 2/6/06 2:14 pm - Millarville, Canada
Hi Cindy!
I would like to ask you about Dr.Mitchell! Did he do a fill for you?
Or if not - What do you know about him?
I made an appointment already for a fill, but I never met him or talk to anybody who had a fill with him. I am worried.
Please HELP!
Thanks Kathy (I was banded three weeks ago)

Dr. Mitchell is the greatest. He fills many of our pts. that were done with Dr. Kuri. I was wondering Cindy, who did you fill for you in Ontario. I have been trying very hard for the past couple of years to find a doctor or nurse practitioner in Ontario who could do fills for my patients who have been banded by Dr. Kuri in Mexico. I would sincerely appreciate anyone who could supply me contact information.
JoAnn Jackson RN, BSN
Patient Facilitator
Dr. Pedro Kuri and Associates
Toll free from Canada 1-866-782-5042
Cell 303-317-6859
JoAnn Jackson RN, BSN
Patient Facilitator
Dr. Pedro Kuri and Associates
Toll free from Canada 1-866-782-5042
Cell 303-317-6859