How soon do you see the surgeon?
I'm a year and three months out and I have still not seen the surgeon. Tomorrow I hope to be signed off by the last professional. If so then I still have months before seeing the surgeon and about a year from then till surgery. Its about 2 to 3 years from your first visit till surgery date. In the end I'm told its all worth the wait.
It depends what clinic you're at. Edmonton uses an Internist who does all the pre-testing, so you don't actually meet the surgeon until you've been signed off by everyone else. With Red Deer on the other hand, my second appointment at the clinic was with my surgeon for an initial consult (I think it's more like 6 months for most people, but I was ahead of the game when I started). Just ask them at your next appointment, they'll let you know the processes and when you may meet the surgeon :)

I my first appointment in the clinic was September 2015 and my surgeon consult is June 9th. So it has been less than a year for me. The nurse said it's about 12-14 months for surgery if the surgeon approves you when you go for your consult. I did my testing as soon as possible and got it all done. I see the clinic in Grande prairie and will have surgery in edmonton with Dr.Karmelli. I am one of the last out of province referrals into the program as I am from Dawson Creek BC. Hope the info helps.
I had orientation Dec 18, 2015...Red Deer Clinic is 2 hours away from me
first appointment was Feb 29,2016 was with my RN
2nd appointment was March 30, 2016 with a doctor that just deals with Weightloss, he asked me to do a sleep test
3rd appointment was April 27, 2016 was with my dietician, she wants to do a medgem test in june
4th appointment was today May 12, 2016 seen my RN and Weightloss Doctor. My Weightloss Doctor has me meeting my surgeon in August 2016
5th appointment is June 13, 2016 I see my dietician for medgem and then do a group mental health
6th appointment is July 15, 2016 I will be seeing my RN
7th appointment will be Aug 16, 2016 with my surgeon