Weight Wise Modules
Are you going to the Edmonton clinic? They're the only ones that I know of now that do the Weight Wise Modules. Their website http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/info/page13245.aspx has a calendar with the list of classes and the phone number to register.
I'm in the Red Deer clinic and we don't do the modules. It looks like Calgary is no longer part of the Weight Wise program either (their clinic name no longer references Weight Wise). You can always just call whichever clinic you're going to and ask if there's any classes that are required or recommended for you to attend. They're always happy to answer any of your questions or concerns about their program.
Best of luck!

Hello rlee5
The Edmonton Clinic required me to do them. They gave me the web site to the University of Calgary which has the 13 weight wise classed on line. They are listed under Weight Management Education and the 4 classes under WEIGHT MANAGEMENT should be taken to but not required.
Good Luck