What happens next
When you go to the orientation they'll explain all the options, benefits, risks etc. Then they'll tell you to call and make an intake appointment with the nurse. I called the day after my orientation (because that's when they said to call) and met with the nurse a week later. They'll tell you to track your food every day and bring it in and once you've lost 10% of the weight they take that day you'll qualify for surgery. I had my orientation April 1 and surgery Nov 12.
Thank you so much i think i only have 10 pounds to go i am down 10 from july 1 so im on my way aaaaya lol i was keeping a food journal near the beginning of the year and learned a lot from it actuaĺly. My hip issues have made it hard to do any real excersize but i do keep active its only my husband and i to get things done around the house renos the yard up keep etc... i walk just not real far distances as my thighs go completely numb after a short while so i do what i can and my husband is good about pushing me as well he is awesome and cooks portion controlled meals etc....im so afraid of beong rejected seriously scared
Tracey Dick-Olson
Hi Traceylynn,
i am wondering how long from the time of referral to the time you got your letter for orientation? I am in Drayton Valley, Ab got referred June 22, 2015. They sent a letter back to my doctor June 24th wanting blood work. Got that done with in the week.

Refurred June 19, 2015, Blood work for Bariatric Clinic June 24, 2015, Orientation Dec 18, 2015, First Appointment in Clinic Feb 29, 2016